
What does mess hall mean in the military?

What does mess hall mean in the military?

Definition of mess hall : a hall or building (as on an army post) in which mess is served.

Why is an Army canteen called a mess?

A mess is an area where military personnel eat, socialise and (sometimes) live. Why is it called a mess? It derives from the old French word ‘mes’ which means a ‘portion of food’.

What does the Navy call their mess hall?

The Officers’ Mess in a Royal Navy ship or base is called the Wardroom. Associated with the Wardoom is a Gunroom, the mess for Midshipmen and occasionally junior Sub-Lieutenants.

Why is the officers mess so called?

In the military, a mess hall is an area where people eat together in a group. There’s often a separate area for officers to eat, known as the officers’ mess hall. The term comes from an old meaning of mess, “food for one meal.”

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What is the food like in a military mess hall?

In reality, though, most military mess halls are arranged like buffet-style food courts and are governed by branch-specific food protocols that stipulate a spread of fatty, sugar-filled, caloric and often processed fare. Take the Army.

Can officers eat in the Enlisted mess?

Officers may only eat in the enlisted mess for certain purposes that require special permission (for example, a commander checking on the quality of meals). No article on military food would be complete without mentioning Meals, Ready-to-Eat, or MREs. These have replaced the old C-rations and field rations.

Where do military cafeteria meals come from?

Military cafeteria meals come from a variety of sources. The military promises to feed you and they do so primarily by using three separate methods: mess or chow halls; basic allowance for subsistence; and Meals, Ready-to-Eat (MRE).

How many officers messs are there in the unit?

Officers have one Officers Mess in the unit. Mess stands for members of equal social status. Officers mess is an institution where officers gather together, relax, share a couple of drinks, socialise in the ante-room, and have food in the dining hall. An officers mess generally has a library as well, as all the officers are expected to read.