
What does NLR stand for?

What does NLR stand for?


Acronym Definition
NLR No Limit Records (record label)
NLR Nucleotide-Binding Domain and Leucine-Rich Repeat Containing Family (protein)
NLR No Longer Racist
NLR National Liaison Representative

What is the abbreviation for response?

Court Document abbreviations

Admission Admis.
Request Req.
Respondent Resp’t
Response Resp.
Stay Stay

What does PLR stand for in medical terms?

Many clinical studies have validated passive leg raising (PLR), and the advantage of PLR is attractive in Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Recently, PLR has been suggested as a simple and potential method to predict fluid responsiveness, which is similar to an “auto-fluid challenge” without a drop of fluid.

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What is the abbreviation for score?


Acronym Definition
SCORE Service Corps Of Retired Executives
SCORE Search Company Reports
SCORE Schools of California Online Resources for Education
SCORE Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (cardiology)

What is the definition of NLR Fivem?

New Life Rule, (also known as NLR) means that you cant return to the place you died at previously, Example: Rhys Willams shoots Waggleton P tallylicker in the head with a Desert Eagle at Pawnshop.

What is another word for response?

Some common synonyms of response are answer, rejoinder, reply, and retort.

How do you write please note in email short form?

N.B. is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase “nota bene” meaning “note well” or please take note. People use it to emphasise something which needs to be in a particular way or time or place. NB (abbreviation). Please note that the meeting will begin at 4 pm.

What does PLR your eyes mean?

pupillary light reflex
The pupillary light reflex (PLR) or photopupillary reflex is a reflex that controls the diameter of the pupil, in response to the intensity (luminance) of light that falls on the retinal ganglion cells of the retina in the back of the eye, thereby assisting in adaptation of vision to various levels of lightness/ …

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How long is a score of time?

20 years
Lincoln’s address starts with “Four score and seven years ago.” A score is equal to 20 years, so he was referencing 87 years ago — 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed.

What does score mean in years?

In Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, he used this (at the time) commonplace measure of score, meaning “20 years”. In modern language, it would be simply “87 years ago”.

What is the NLR rule?

Edit. NLR can mean that you must not return to the place you died, you cant remember your previous life or take revenge on your killer. The amount of time NLR is active can vary server to server.