
What does oats mean in British slang?

What does oats mean in British slang?

have sex
The informal phrase get one’s oats meaning to have sex.

What does sowing the dragon’s teeth mean?

sow dragon’s teeth in British English to take some action that is intended to prevent strife or trouble but that actually brings it about.

What does soak my royal oats mean?

If a young man sows his wild oats, he has a period of his life when he does a lot of exciting things and has a lot of sexual relationships.

What is apple pie slang for?

(informal) Of or characteristic of certain values, as wholesomeness or decency, esp. when regarded as being particularly American.

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What does shoulder to the wheel mean?

Work hard, make a strenuous effort, as in We’ll have to put our shoulder to the wheel to get this job done. This metaphoric term, alluding to pushing a heavy vehicle that has bogged down, has been used figuratively since the late 1700s.

What sprouts up from the Dragons teeth that Jason plants in the ground?

Jason obtained the remaining dragon’s teeth with the aid of Aeëtes of Colchis. He offered the Golden Fleece to Jason if Jason would sow them into the ground. Jason did this and successfully overcame the warriors with the aid of Medea, who gave him the means to resist fire and steel.

Why did Jason have to sow dragon’s teeth?

The five survivors joined with Cadmus to found the city of Thebes. Similarly, Jason was challenged by King Aeëtes of Colchis to sow dragon’s teeth from Athena in order to obtain the Golden Fleece. Medea, Aeëtes’ daughter, advised Jason to throw a stone between the warriors that sprang from the earth.

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Should I sow wild oats?

: to have many sexual relationships particularly when one is young They look upon his indiscretions as just his sowing his wild oats.

What is the meaning of wholesomeness?

Meaning of wholesomeness in English the quality of being wholesome (= healthy or good for you): There is a growing concern about the wholesomeness of food. She is the epitome of all-American wholesomeness. See. wholesome.

What does the phrase ‘Sow Your Wild Oats’ mean?

To “sow your wild oats” means to spend time partying, doing irresponsible things, caring more about fun and fooling around than about responsibilities, health, work, etc.

What does the idiom sowing his Wild Oats mean?

Sow wild oats Sow is an agricultural term meaning to scatter seed over the ground for growing. This is the sense borne by the verb in the idiom sow [one’s] wild oats -though of course it’s metaphorical.

What is the meaning of sowing your oats?

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Sowing oats is a term used for both men and women who strive to get over the sexual tension by satiating their desires with different partners before they are ready to take a marital plunge and dedicate their life to one partner. There are some views who do not agree with “sowing one’s oats.”.

What does sew your oats mean?

sow (one’s) wild oats. To engage in rebelliousness or promiscuity, typically in one’s youth before settling down. Bill and I had to break up because I was looking to get married, and he just wanted to sow his wild oats.