
What does off mean slang?

What does off mean slang?

Definition of off (Entry 4 of 6) intransitive verb. : to go away : depart —used chiefly as an imperative Off, or I’ll shoot! transitive verb. slang : kill, murder.

Has gone off meaning?

intransitive verb. 1 : explode. 2 : to burst forth or break out suddenly or noisily. 3 : to go forth, out, or away : leave. 4 : to undergo decline or deterioration.

Where do you get off meaning slang?

If you tell someone where to get off, you tell them in a rather rude way that you are not going to do or agree to what they want. [informal] I’d just go right up to them and tell them where to get off.

Why do we say going off?

It dates from medieval England when households revolved around a fire upon which a pot would be continuously simmering. This was linked to some sort of bell which would chime continuously. If the fire went off, the energy (heat) from the fire would stop the chiming thus causing the alarm.

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What does off to mean?

Definitions include: to leave, to take-off. Definitions include: to leave in a hurry; not running, but quickly and quietly so as to not attract attention. Definitions include: statement of shock or surprise; doubt or disagreement; or disapproval. Definitions include: acronym for “got to go”.

What is the meaning of put off?

put off vb 1. (tr, adverb) to postpone or delay: they have put off the dance until tomorrow. 2. (tr, adverb) to evade (a person) by postponement or delay: they tried to put him off, but he came anyway.

What is the definition of take off?

take·​off | \\ˈtāk-ˌȯf \\. (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a rise or leap from a surface in making a jump or flight or an ascent in an aircraft or in the launching of a rocket. b : an action of starting out.

What is the definition of day off?

day off A day in which one does not work, either at one’s place of employment or on a particular task or project. a day free from working. A day away from work, school, or a similar obligation; a free day.