
What does PDP-11 stand for?

What does PDP-11 stand for?

Programmed Data Processor-11
PDP-11 (Programmed Data Processor-11) is one of the most famous computers in computing history, one of a series manufactured by Digital Equipment Corporation ( DEC ) from the early 1960s through the mid-1990s.

What generation is Univac?

UNIVAC and other first-generation computers were replaced by transistor computers of the late 1950s, which were smaller, used less power, and could perform nearly a thousand times more operations per second. These were, in turn, supplanted by the integrated-circuit machines of the mid-1960s and 1970s.

Which was the world’s first mini computer and when was it introduced?

PDP-1 was the world’s first minicomputer and it was introduced in 1958.

What is the maximum physical address on a PDP-11?

256 KB
Later-model PDP-11 processors included memory management to support virtual addressing. The physical address space was extended to 18 or 22 bits, hence allowing up to 256 KB or 4 MB of RAM.

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What is the size of UNIVAC?

UNIVAC was a stored-program computer that had 5,400 vacuum tubes, could tabulate 4,000 items a minute, used alphanumeric characters, checked its own work and was “just” half the size of ENIAC—a then-tiny 14 ft. long, 7.5 ft. wide and 8 ft. high.

Which generation is Univac III?

second generation computers
Some of the second generation computers are UNIVAC III, IBM-1401 and CDC-3600. Some features of third generation computers are : Integrated Circuits (ICs) based technology was used in this generation. They were expensive.

What is difference between mainframe and minicomputer?

Mainframe computers have large memory storage. While minicomputers have small or less memory storage than mainframe computer. The processing speed of mainframe computer is faster than minicomputer. While the processing speed of minicomputer is slower than mainframe computer.

How much RAM did the PDP-11 have?

4 MB