
What does ragged edge mean?

What does ragged edge mean?

US, informal. : very close to failure We are running on the ragged edge financially.

What does it mean to have an edge to your voice?

It means that the tone of his voice is not neutral; “the edge” in his voice might come from anger or impatience or sarcasm or something else.

What does the word voice mean?

Definition of voice (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : sound produced by vertebrates by means of lungs, larynx, or syrinx especially : sound so produced by human beings. b(1) : musical sound produced by the vocal folds and resonated by the cavities of head and throat. (2) : the power or ability to produce musical tones.

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How do you use the word voice?

Voice sentence example. His voice was warm and gentle. Her voice sounded so serious and so sad that the chirping of the birds was silenced at once. He recognized the agreeable, philosophizing voice with pleasure.

How do you spell ragged edge?

the brink, as of a cliff. any extreme edge; verge.

What is the meaning of to hang in the balance?

Be in a precarious condition or in a state of suspense. For example, The doctor said her life was hanging in the balance. This expression alludes to the suspended balance scale where an object is placed in one pan and weights are added one by one to the other pan until the two are balanced. [ First half of 1400s]

What is an edge person?

singular noun. If someone or something has an edge, they have an advantage that makes them stronger or more likely to be successful than another thing or person.

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What does it mean to have an edge on someone?

to be slightly better than someone or something else.

What is voice in a sentence?

Voice is the term used to describe whether a verb is active or passive. When the subject of the verb is being acted upon (e.g., “The postman was bitten.”), the verb is said to be in the passive voice. So, the voice of a verb tells us whether the subject is acting or being acted upon.

What do you mean voice change?

: the gradual change in quality and pitch of voice occurring in boys about the age of puberty.

What is voice literature?

In literature, “voice” refers to the rhetorical mixture of vocabulary, tone, point of view, and syntax that makes phrases, sentences, and paragraphs flow in a particular manner. Novels can represent multiple voices: that of the narrator and those of individual characters.

What does ragged mean in slang?

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ragged, rag·ging, rags. 1. Slang. a. To criticize or scold (someone).