
What does RIF mean in the military?

What does RIF mean in the military?

25-2016. Veterans’ Preference in Reduction in Force. Veterans have advantages over nonveterans in a reduction in force (RIF). Also, special provisions apply in determining whether retired military members receive preference in RIF and whether their military service is counted.

What does the acronym RIF stand for?

reduction in force
3. RIF is defined as an abbreviation for reduction in force and means for a job function to be eliminated. An example of a RIF is when a factory changes machinery and the operators of the old machines are no longer necessary. abbreviation.

What does STO mean in the Army?

Standard Training Order (military) STO.

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What does RCO mean in the Army?

RCO – Readiness Control Officer.

What is RIF in finance?

A Retirement Income Fund (RIF) is an investment product available to anyone as a conservative means of saving for retirement. A RIF is generally a mutual fund that is well diversified in large and mid-cap stocks and bonds.

What is a RIF in human resources?

A reduction in force (RIF) occurs when a position is eliminated with no intention of replacing it and results in a permanent cut in headcount. An employer may decide to reduce its workforce by terminating employees or by means of attrition.

What does riff mean in acting?

2 : a rapid energetic often improvised verbal outpouring especially : one that is part of a comic performance.

What does sh mean on a floor plan?

SH or DH means single- or double-hung window, operable by either the bottom panel or both the top and bottom for a double-hung window.

What does RCO mean in aviation?

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Remote communications outlets
Remote communications outlets (RCO) are remote radio transmitters/receivers established as an extended communications capability. They are used to. receive position reports; retransmit ATC clearances; and. provide remote aerodrome advisory services (RAAS) or flight information services en route (FISE).

Is RIF same as fired?

A reduction in force or RIF, is a permanent reduction in headcount. However, today these words are usually used interchangeably, and a layoff is commonly a less formal way of saying reduction in force. Termination or being fired occurs when the employee did something that resulted in a loss of employment.

What happens during a RIF?

In the Federal Government, layoffs are called reduction in force (RIF) actions. When an agency must abolish positions, the RIF regulations determine whether an employee keeps his or her present position, or whether the employee has a right to a different position.