
What does rjg stand for in injection molding?

What does rjg stand for in injection molding?

History. In 1985 Rod Groleau started a training and consulting company (then named RJG Associates, Inc.), where he developed techniques for retrieving data for plastic conditions inside the mold, previous to this only data from the molding machine itself was used for processing techniques.

What is Rjg certification?

Established in 1998, the RJG’s Master Molder Certification Program has become standard for advanced hands-on training in the plastics injection molding industry. Our certified master molders have completed this rigorous training program, increasing the value we bring as your molding partner.

What is decoupled molding?

The concept of DECOUPLED MOLDING(SM) is simply separating the molding process to specific fill, pack and hold portions of the process. A Decoupled II process suggests filling to position, then joins the packing and holding phases together, utilizing second stage pressure to pack out the mold and hold until gate seal.

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What is switch over point in injection molding?

Solution: The V/P switch-over indicates the point – usually a percentage of the total volume – where the injection molding machine (IMM) will change the filling process from a velocity driven (fill) to a pressure driven control (pack).

What is scientific molding?

Scientific molding is a systematic approach to injection molding that is based largely on the tenets of the scientific method (developing and testing a hypothesis, drawing conclusions, and providing reproducible results).

What is the difference between decoupled 2 and 3?

Decoupled III provides the capability for world-class consistency but requires the ability to control low-velocity pack speeds and to transfer from a cavity pressure input or an external contact closure. This three-stage technique provides a process consistency three to seven times better than the Decoupled II process.

What are the stages of injection Moulding?

There are four stages in the cycle. These stages are the clamping, injection, cooling and ejection stages.

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What is scientific injection Moulding?

How do you calculate intensification ratio?

Refer to the machine manual to find the machine intensification ratio. A typical ratio is 10, and the typical range of the ratio is between 7 and 15. To calculate the machine intensification ratio, divide the piston area (A h) by the screw area (A m), as shown in the following diagram.