
What does RMC stand for?

What does RMC stand for?

Ready Mixed Concrete. RMC. Riverside Medical Clinic (California) RMC.

Why is RMC used?

High speed of construction- Speed of construction can be vary fast in case RMC is used. Reduction in cement consumption by 10 – 12 \% due to better handling and proper mixing. Conservation of energy and resources because of saving of cement. Environment pollution is reduced due to less production of cement.

What is RMC in law?

More Definitions of RMC RMC means Rigid Metal Conduit.

What is RMC process?

Ready mixed concrete process (R.M.C.) is the fresh concrete mix, which is produced by weigh batching ready mix concrete manufacturing plant. under complete quality control and delivered duly mixed to the site of placement by truck-mounted agitator or dumpers.

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What company is RMC?

RMC Group plc (formerly “Ready Mixed Concrete Limited”) was a ready mixed concrete, quarrying and concrete products company headquartered in Egham, United Kingdom….RMC Group.

Type Public limited company
Successor Cemex
Headquarters Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom

Who is a member of RMC?

Residents’ Management Companies (RMC)members are usually the leaseholders. The RMC must keep an up to date list of its members. Unless it is kept at the registered office, whom could be your Managing Agent or Accountant.

What is an RMC director?

An RMC is an official company, registered at Companies House and therefore has a board of directors. The RMC works with the managing agent to make decisions about their block or development. For example, setting and monitoring the service charge budget and accounts, choice of contractors and maintenance schedules.

Who is the owner of RMC?

RMC Group plc (formerly “Ready Mixed Concrete Limited”) was a ready mixed concrete, quarrying and concrete products company headquartered in Egham, United Kingdom. It was listed on the London Stock Exchange and was once a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index, but was acquired by Cemex of Mexico in 2005.