
What does says otherwise mean?

What does says otherwise mean?

1. Otherwise is defined as in other circumstances, other ways or other respects, or can mean “or else.” If a person is normally nice but is rude only on one particular occasion, this is an example of when you might say he is otherwise very nice except for that occasion.

What is the meaning of don’t think otherwise?

b to be considerate or aware enough (to do something)

How do you use otherwise?

(sentence adverb) You use otherwise to connect two clauses where the second clause shows what would have happened if the first clause hadn’t happened. I missed the bus. Otherwise, I would have been here earlier. If you think or say otherwise, you don’t agree.

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How can I use otherwise in a sentence?

Otherwise sentence example

  • The shopping trip was exciting because it was so close to Christmas, but otherwise uneventful.
  • The accent says otherwise , but I was born in New York.
  • Surely you have time off as well, otherwise , how would you have time to come all the way out here.

How do you use otherwise in a sentence?

Otherwise sentence example

  1. The shopping trip was exciting because it was so close to Christmas, but otherwise uneventful.
  2. The accent says otherwise , but I was born in New York.
  3. Surely you have time off as well, otherwise , how would you have time to come all the way out here.

How do you reply to dont get me wrong?

3 Answers. “Please don’t misunderstand me, but…” should suit your needs. (This is far more polite than the imperative you must understand.)

What is otherwise in a sentence?

Two bunk beds practically filled the compartment, which otherwise included a pretty end table and lamp. Gross occupied the only seat on the plane, which otherwise had been stripped bare. The Japanese PM says: We must restrain military expansion in Asia, which otherwise could go unchecked.

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How do you use unless otherwise in a sentence?

The phrase “unless otherwise” is usually used in giving instructions to make them more clear. You may smoke unless otherwise instructed. Unless otherwise instructed, please remain seated. Unless you are told otherwise, you may take photographs.

What does how are you doing otherwise mean?

It means that the response to this question is not limited to a set of options. Found inside – Page 44… avoid checking the answer keys and explanations before you’ve attempted to answer them correctly on your own. Doing otherwise might fool you into Reply.

Do not take it otherwise meaning?

Don’t take me otherwise : The meaning of what is being said should not be interpreted incorrectly or changing the meaning of the views discussed. Don’t take me wrong : The speaker is trying to convince the listener not to get offended by what is being said, that the listener should understand the crux of the dialogue.