
What does slope of stress-strain graph indicate?

What does slope of stress-strain graph indicate?

The slpoe of stress (on y-axis) and strain (x-axis ) gives modulus of elasticity. The slope of stress (on x-axis) and strain (y – axis) gives the reciprocal of modulus of elasticity.

What does the slope of a graph of shear stress versus rate of strain give?

The Newtonian fluids behave according to the law that shear stress is linearly proportional to velocity gradient or rate of shear strain . Thus for these fluids, the plot of shear stress against velocity gradient is a straight line through the origin. The slope of the line determines the viscosity.

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What is the name of the slope of the line between stress and strain?

Once the material experiences this stress, the ‘yield stress’, it is permanently changed. In this ‘elastic range,’ the slope of the stress-strain curve is linear. The slope of this line is called the ‘elastic modulus. ‘ The slope of this line is found by dividing stress by the strain.

What material property represents the slope of the elastic region on a stress strain plot?

Modulus of Elasticity
Young’s Modulus: Also known as the Modulus of Elasticity, is a measure of material resistance to axial deformation. Its value is obtained by measuring the slope of the axial stress-strain curve in the elastic region.

Why do we use stress and strain in graph instead of load and elongation?

It is because while applying load the cross section area of (say a circular bar) is taken to be constant while plotting engineering stress vs strain curve. When we write stress equals E times strain(till proportional limit).

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How do I read my tensile test results?

It indicates the strength of the material just as it starts to permanently change shape. It is determined as the value of the stress at which a line of the same slope as the initial portion (elastic region) of the curve that is offset by a strain of 0.2\% or a value of 0.002 strain intersects the curve.

What material property represents the slope of the elastic region on a stress-strain plot?

What is the relation between shear stress and rate of shear strain?

The form of the relation between shear stress and rate of strain depends on a fluid, and most common fluids obey Newton’s law of viscosity, which states that the shear stress is proportional to the strain rate: τ = µ dγ dt .

What is the relationship between strain and stress?

Stress is the force applied to a material, divided by the material’s cross-sectional area. Strain is the deformation or displacement of material that results from an applied stress.

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How does stiffness relate to stress and strain?

The elastic modulus measures the stiffness in a material, but strength is a function of the modulus. The ratio of stress to strain is the elastic modulus—stiffness, but the stress, and only the stress, defines the strength of the material.

How does the curve represents the toughness of the materials?

Toughness is related to the area under the stress–strain curve. In order to be tough, a material must be both strong and ductile. Generally speaking, strength indicates how much force the material can support, while toughness indicates how much energy a material can absorb before rupturing.