
What does SMS delivery report mean?

What does SMS delivery report mean?

Delivery Report Android Android phones have a feature that upon enabling allows you to check whether a text message you sent was delivered to the recipient. From that point on, your Android device will start receiving delivery reports for SMS messages, notifying you of the current state status of the text message.

What does SMS delivery report unsuccessful mean?

The unsuccessful delivery could be as simple as their phone is turned off or they are getting no cel signals. The code 65 could be interesting. If a phone is turned off or doesn’t currently have signal it the delivery report will stay as “Requested” until it is received on the recipients phone.

How do I know if my SMS was delivered?

Turn on Delivery Receipts to find out if your text message was delivered to the recipient. (This option doesn’t tell you if the message was read.) On newer phones, open the Messages app and go to Settings > Advanced > Get SMS delivery reports.

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Will I get a delivery report if my number is blocked?

If an Android user has blocked you, Lavelle says, “your text messages will go through as usual; they just won’t be delivered to the Android user.” It’s the same as an iPhone, but without the “delivered” notification (or lack thereof) to clue you in.

Will a text message say delivered if blocked?

However, the person you’ve been blocked by will never receive that message. Note that you don’t get a ‘Delivered’ notification like you usually would, but this in itself is not proof that you’ve been blocked. They could simply not have any signal, or an active internet connection, at the time you sent the message.

What does it mean when delivery report says received?

Does delivery report mean that the person reads the message on android phone? Delivery reports mean that the message has been delivered to the recipient, not that it has been read.

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How do you know if someone blocked you on SMS?

If there’s an error message, it’s likely the phone is disconnected. If the call goes through just fine; you’ve been blocked. The Read Receipts – This works for iPhones and newer Androids. Assuming the contact has read receipts turned on, you can easily determine if you’ve been blocked by the message receipts.

What does it mean when the message is sent but not delivered?

What does it mean if a message is sent but not delivered? In short, it means that you should not despair, there’s still hope! Namely that your message got through to the receiver, but they didn’t read it, or that they actually have not received the message yet on their side.

How do SMS delivery reports work?

Answer Wiki. An SMS delivery report (or “delivery receipt’) is a message from your SMS server (known in the industry as an SMSC , or Short Message Service Centre) that tells you that the SMS message you sent was delivered to the phone of the recipient.

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What does SMS delivery report request mean?

An SMS delivery report (or “delivery receipt’) is a message from your SMS server (known in the industry as an SMSC, or Short Message Service Centre) that tells you that the SMS message you sent was delivered to the phone of the recipient. When you send an SMS, it first goes to your SMSC,…

What does delivery report mean?

Delivery reports mean that the message has been delivered to the recipient, not that it has been read. 2 Answers 2. No, delivery reports generally just tell you that the message has been delivered and is sitting on their phone.

What are delivery reports in text messages?

Delivered. This status means SimpleTexting has successfully delivered the message to the recipient.

  • Opted-Out. The recipient unsubscribed after receiving your SMS.
  • Undelivered – Soft Bounce. The message wasn’t delivered yet,but the number is active,so the message may be delivered later on.
  • Undelivered – Hard Bounce.