
What does SOG stand for on a boat?

What does SOG stand for on a boat?

SOG. Speed Over Ground. This differs from boat speed- so for example if your boat is stationary in the water, it may still be moving in relation to the land due to current and wind etc. T. Target \%

What is COG and SOG in GPS?

COG, Course Over Ground, indicates the direction of the boat’s heading relative to the land. Over ground means “in relation to the earth”, see also the term SOG. Therefore, COG means the true direction free from the effects of sea currents.

What does SOG mean on simrad?

Speed Over Ground (SOG) is a digital reading that indicates your current ground speed (usually selectable in miles-per-hour, knots, or kilometers-per-hour).

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Is a higher VMG better?

The rule of thumb is the lower the angle, the faster the boat will go, but it will be sailing further away from the mark. The higher the angle, the slower the boat will travel, but it will be sailing a more direct route to the mark. The crew therefore need to balance this trade-off between true boat speed and VMG.

What is SOG mph?

SOG = Speed over Ground – Your GPS is reading out the actual speed. Your speedo will pick up the effects of tide/current, so: Assuming you are making 20 MPH SOG, but bucking a 5 MPH current, your speedo could read 25 MPH even though your true speed is only 20 SOG.

What does SOG mean fishing?

Senior Member. having SOG (speed over ground) from your GPS, and STW (speed thru water) from a paddle wheel, can be helpful to determine if you are running with or against a current.

What does SOG mean in military?

Special Operations Group
Military. Special Operations Group (disambiguation), special forces teams.

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What is the best wind for sailing?

between 5-12 knots
That being said, the best wind speed for sailing is one that allows you to sail the boat safely and within your comfort zone, which is generally between 5-12 knots. Keep in mind that sailing at a wind speed that pushes the boat above its normal hull speed is ultimately dangerous.

Why is VMG important?

Why is Velocity Made Good Important? VMG measures how fast you are making progress directly upwind (or downwind). Therefore, if you’re sailing windward/leeward courses, the boat that has the highest average VMG wins the race.

What does cog mean in sailing?

Course over
SOG = Speed over Ground – includes current forecast. COG = Course over Ground to the next waypoint.

What is SOG (speed over the ground)?

Sailtrain: Navigation and Chartwork, Speed Over the Ground (SOG). It is important to realise that the speed through the water will always be different to the speed over the ground if there is a tidal stream.

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What happens if you use SOG instead of boatspeed?

Using Speed Over Ground: If we replace boatspeed with SOG and current, we get a different result. The favorable current gives a faster SOG than speed through the water, but also reduces TWS and shifts our TWD. In fact, we are no longer calculating our True Wind Speed, but instead our Ground Wind Speed.

Where do sog and cog come from and how are they used?

To begin with, let’s take a look at where SOG and COG come from, and if we can rely on them. SOG and COG are output from your GPS receiver. There are two methods the receiver can use to derive SOG and COG.

What does cog mean on a boat?

The previous comments are correct, COG means “Course Over Ground” and is course that a GPS displays (a GPS without a compass connected to it). It is the direction you would be walking along the seabed if the water didn’t exist.