
What does stress strain graph represent?

What does stress strain graph represent?

A stress-strain curve is a graphical way to show the reaction of a material when a load is applied. It shows a comparison between stress and strain. Stress is the ratio of the load or force to the cross-sectional area of the material to which the load is applied.

What is represented by the gradient of a graph of stress vertical axis against strain horizontal axis )?

The slope of stress (on x-axis) and strain (y – axis) gives the reciprocal of modulus of elasticity.

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Why do we use stress and strain?

The stress-strain diagram provides valuable information about how much force a material can withstand before permanent deformation or failure occurs.

Why does the stress-strain curve decrease?

After the yield point, the curve typically decreases slightly because of dislocations escaping from Cottrell atmospheres. As deformation continues, the stress increases on account of strain hardening until it reaches the ultimate tensile stress.

Is stress related to strain?

The stress is proportional to the strain, that is, obeys the general Hooke’s law, and the slope is Young’s modulus. In this region, the material undergoes only elastic deformation. The end of the stage is the initiation point of plastic deformation.

How are stress and strain related?

Stress is a measure of the force put on the object over the area. Strain is the change in length divided by the original length of the object.

Why is the stress strain diagram taken on the x-axis?

In a stress strain diagram, Strain is taken on X-axis and Stress on Y- axis. There is a reason for that too. Generally, we follow the mathematical relation Y=f (X) i.e. X is an independent variable while Y being dependent on X . I think I have answered your question :P.

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What is the difference between F(stress) and strain (X)?

As a rule of thumb, F (Stress) is an independent parameter and should be on x-axis, while Strain (x) is its result, which should be on y-axis. However, it is a bit weird that the test equipment usually applies a fixed strain and measures the stress required for it.

What is the stress strain curve of a material?

Stress strain curve is a behavior of material when it is subjected to load. In this diagram stresses are plotted along the vertical axis and as a result of these stresses, corresponding strains are plotted along the horizontal axis. As shown below in the stress strain curve. From the diagram one can see the different mark points on the curve.

What is the yield point in a stress strain diagram?

Yield point in a stress strain diagram is defined as the point at which the material starts to deform plastically. After the yield point is passed there is permanent deformation develops in the material and which is not reversible. There are two yield points and it is upper yield point and lower yield point.

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