
What does taxi mean in ATC?

What does taxi mean in ATC?

ATC will first specify the runway, issue taxi instructions, and then state any required hold short instructions. “Taxi to” means you are cleared to cross all taxiways and runways excepting the assigned takeoff runway. “Hold short” means you cannot cross said runway or taxiway until cleared.

How does a plane taxi on the runway?

It’s worth noting that aircraft don’t ‘taxi down the runway’. They taxi on taxiways, hence the name, taxiway. When the pilots squeeze the thrust levers forwards, the thrust generated from the engines pushes the aircraft forwards. The wheels merely turn under this forward power allowing the aircraft to move.

What is the back Taxi procedure?

Backtaxi (also known as backtrack) is an airport ground procedure which involves the use of any portion of a runway as a taxiway for an aircraft to taxi in the opposite direction from which it will take off or has landed.

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What means taxi out?

Taxi-out time is defined as the time between the actual pushback and wheels-off. Taxi-out time is difficult to predict in hub airports at peak hours. Consequently very long taxiing times and airport surface congestion would be suffered.

How do I request a taxi clearance?

You request taxi clearance from ground control, being sure to “state your position on the airport” as the Aeronautical Information Manual recommends. The controller acknowledges your call sign—consisting of three numbers followed by two letters—and clears you to taxi to the runway.

When the aircraft is readying to taxi the ATC asks them?

When the aircraft is readying to taxi, the ATC asks them to proceed to some runway number, say runway 09. In big airports, how do the pilots identify the correct path to their runway?

How do pilots know where to taxi to runways?

For example, a pilot parked near the fire station might be given a taxi clearance like “US123 taxi to runway 31 via Foxtrot, Alpha, Lima, Bravo and Zulu.” The pilot would look at the map and see the paths to take. While taxiing there are signs on the ground which assist the pilot in navigating the taxiways.

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When authorize an aircraft to taxi to an assigned takeoff runway?

When authorizing an aircraft to taxi to an assigned takeoff runway, state the departure runway followed by the specific taxi route. Issue hold short instructions, in accordance with subparagraph a above, when an aircraft will be required to hold short of a runway or other points along the taxi route.

Can a taxiway be omitted from a runway clearance?

If the specific taxi route ends into a connecting taxiway with the same identifier (for example, taxiway “A” connects with Taxiway “A1”) at the approach end of the runway, the connecting taxiway may be omitted from the clearance. RUNWAY (number), TAXI VIA (route as necessary).