
What does the Breakfast Club symbolize?

What does the Breakfast Club symbolize?

The Breakfast Club captured the teen angst of a generation, delving into themes such as stereotyping, the stigma of mental illness and bullying. As the characters spend more time together, they realize that they transcend these stereotypes and recognize that they have much in common.

What did Claire do to get detention in The Breakfast Club?

The popular girl at school, Claire Standish, was played by Molly Ringwald. Claire ended up in detention because she skipped class so she could go shopping.

Why is The Breakfast Club inappropriate?

The teen characters use very strong language, including “f–k,” mock authority figures, and smoke pot in the school library (which is when they finally start getting along, so it’s not presented with negative consequences). One also smokes cigarettes, pulls out a switchblade, and makes lewd gestures.

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What does the end of breakfast club mean?

He’s triumphant—he’s learned something. The film’s final image freezes the pumped fist in place as Simple Minds’ “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” plays, highlighting their need to not forget about each other and mindlessly fall back into their old, habitual patterns of behavior. They have to keep the faith alive.

What are the 5 stereotypes in The Breakfast Club?

The movie introduces us to the characters as the stereotypes that each student considers the other: the Nerd (Hall), the Beauty (Ringwald), the Jock (Estevez), the Rebel (Nelson), and the recluse (Sheedy). Also, we are introduced to another stereotype; the mean overbearing teacher.

Was there a Breakfast Club 2?

Sadly, following the death of John Hughes in 2009, The Breakfast Club 2 never came to be, but this is not the first time that one of the original cast has discussed the idea of a sequel.

How many times does the breakfast club say the F word?

About 25 uses each of the f- and s-words.

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What did Bender and Claire do in the closet?

Where We Left Her: She took Bender into a closet, made out with him, and gave him a hickey. She also gave him one of her diamond stud earrings. What We Think Happened Next: For the rest of the weekend, Claire wore a smirk on her face. She had totally given bad boy Bender a hickey — and her diamond earring!

What is the last line of the Breakfast Club?

Brian Johnson : [closing narration] Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are.

What stereotype is Allison in The Breakfast Club?

But the movie also tries to show that Andy breaks his stereotype in the way that he treats Allison and becomes vulnerable during the “confession circle.” Finally, there is Allison, who is stereotyped as the crazy, mentally-ill person.

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What did Paul Gleason pass away from?

May 27, 2006
Paul Gleason/Date of death