
What does the idiom a piece of the pie mean?

What does the idiom a piece of the pie mean?

a share of something
informal. a share of something: When the business started making money, everyone in his family wanted a piece of the pie. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

What is the meaning of as easy as ABC *?

Definition of (as) easy as ABC informal. : very easy this recipe is as easy as ABC.

Where does the saying piece of cake come from?

Something easily accomplished, as in I had no trouble finding your house—a piece of cake. This expression originated in the Royal Air Force in the late 1930s for an easy mission, and the precise reference is as mysterious as that of the simile easy as pie.

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How do you use Easy as pie in a sentence?

Example Sentences She needs reassurances on contracts which are as easy as a pie. I cannot keep counselling her all the time. To write this paper was as easy as a pie. For my friend Maria the juggling is as easy as a pie.

Is not my cup of tea means?

said to mean that you are not very interested in something. It’s no secret that I’ve never been the greatest traveller.

What does share of the pie mean?

Definition of a piece/slice/share of the pie : a portion of a particular amount of money The state needs to give public schools a larger piece of the pie. He’s the best player on the team and he wants a bigger slice of the pie.

What does bee in bonnet mean?

informal. : to talk and think a lot about something He always has a bee in his bonnet about safety.

Where does blind as a bat come from?

Talking about its origin it comes in the class of idioms derived from animals. This is a figure of speech that based on the assumption that bats cannot see properly. Before the 21st century, people used to believe that bats are blind because of their meandering flight pattern.

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What is the idiomatic expression of piece of cake?

Meaning: To be easy. Example: No problem, it should be a piece of cake. Meaning: A portion of the money or profits that are being shared by everyone involved in generating them. Example: Winning the account was a team effort and all the team members should get a slice of the cake.

How do you describe something easy?

Saying that something is easy – Intermediate 10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing: It’s a doddle. Easy peasy. It’s a cinch.