
What does the medical term Retroflex mean?

What does the medical term Retroflex mean?

1 : the state of being bent back especially : the bending back of an organ (such as a uterus) upon itself. 2 : the act or process of bending back. 3 : retroflex articulation.

What is a Retroflex angle?

articulated with the tip of the tongue curled upward and back against or near the juncture of the hard and soft palates; cacuminal; cerebral; coronal. …

What is the meaning of labial in English?

1 : of, relating to, or situated near the lips or labia. 2 : uttered with the participation of one or both lips the labial sounds \f\, \p\, and \ü\

What is Retroflexion in the stomach?

Answer. Retroflexion is a term used to discuss how the camera was turned to look at generally the upper part of the stomach. Because of the way the stomach is shaped, if the doctor went straight in and out she would miss seeing the upper part so she has to twist the camera and come up a different way to see everything.

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What is the medical term for subcutaneous?

To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. The term “cutaneous” refers to the skin. Subcutaneous means beneath, or under, all the layers of the skin. For example, a subcutaneous cyst is under the skin.

What is a 42 sided shape called?

Regular tetracontadigon
In geometry, a tetracontadigon (or tetracontakaidigon) or 42-gon is a forty-two-sided polygon….Tetracontadigon.

Regular tetracontadigon
A regular tetracontadigon
Type Regular polygon
Edges and vertices 42
Schläfli symbol {42}, t{21}

How do you use copious in a sentence?

Copious sentence example

  1. Jackson wrote copious notes.
  2. She held up her pad of copious notes.
  3. Martha had continued to take copious notes on each and every case.
  4. He was yards behind and took copious notes.

Can vowels be labial?

A sound that is produced either at or with the lips is called a labial. In Sanskrit, there are labial vowels (u, ū), plosives (p, ph, b, bh), nasals (m) and semivowels (v).

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What is Retroflex in an endoscopy?

Retroflexion describes a technique where the colonoscope bends backwards to examine the colon. “This is the first study to examine the yield and safety of the systematic use of retroflexion in the proximal colon for the purpose of neoplasia detection,” said study lead author David G.

What is the meaning of the root word retroflex?

(rĕt′rə-flĕks′) adj. also ret·ro·flexed (-flĕkst′) 1. Bent, curved, or turned backward. 2. Pronounced with the tip of the tongue turned back against the roof of the mouth. n. A sound pronounced with the tongue in retroflex position, as the sound (r) in some varieties of English.

What is retroflexion in anatomy?

Retroflexion | Definition of Retroflexion by Merriam-Webster Retroflexion definition is – the state of being bent back; especially : the bending back of an organ (such as a uterus) upon itself. the state of being bent back; especially : the bending back of an organ (such as a uterus) upon itself; the act or process of bending back…

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What is the meaning of retro-Flek?

[ret″ro-flek´shun] the bending of an organ or part so that its top is thrust backward, such as bending backward of the body of the uterus upon the cervix. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc.

When is retroflexion acceptable after back vowels?

After back vowels (36c), retroflexion is acceptable since the retroflex can be realised with a back tongue body. The conflict is resolved by changing the retroflex to a palatoalveolar. The first is rhotacization of the syllable final, and the second is lenition of retroflex obstruent initials.