
What does uro mean in Fijian?

What does uro mean in Fijian?

fat/fatty deposits
Explanation: ‘uro’ is the Fijian word for ‘fat/fatty deposits’ but the sentence is not an insult it’s meant as a compliment. In this context it’s meant to imply beautiful or hot, and the sentence translates to “You’re such a hot girl”

How do you say cheers in Fijian?

“Bula” Translation: “Cheers!” “Bula” is the most frequently spoken word in Fiji.

What is brother in Fijian?

Mother – Nana. Elder brother – Tuakaqu tagane. Younger brother – Taciqu tagane. Elder sister – Tuakaqu yalewa. Younger sister – Taciqu yalewa.

How do you say hello and goodbye in Fijian?

The Fiji locals are sure to appreciate that you took the time to try to learn their language.

  1. Hello: Ni sa bula or just bula.
  2. Goodbye: Ni sa moce.
  3. Good morning: Ni sa yadra.
  4. Yes: Lo.
  5. No: Sega.
  6. Please: Yalo vinaka.
  7. Excuse me: Tolou.
  8. Thank you / good: Vinaka.
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What does ISA mean in Fijian?

Isa lei (pronounced ‘ee-sah lay’, or the more common isa is a sound of regret or yearning, much like saying ‘alas’ in English.

What does Malo mean in Fijian?

noun In the Fiji Islands, Hawaii, and other parts of Polynesia, the paper-mulberry, Papyrius papyrifera. noun A cloth or girdle made from the fiber of the paper-mulberry.

How do you say Beautiful Girl in Fijian?

Beautiful // Totoka If you’re trying to find the right word to describe a vibrant Fijian sunset, or charm an attractive local, you can use the word totoka (pronounced ‘toe-toe-kah’, which can mean ‘beautiful,’ ‘pretty’ or even ‘handsome’. You can also say totoka sara, which means ‘very beautiful’.

How do you say Happy Birthday in Fijian?

A collection of useful phrases in Fijian, a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken mainly in Fiji….Useful Fijian phrases.

English vaka-Viti (Fijian)
Easter greetings Vanuinui vinaka ni Siga ni Mate
Birthday greetings Vanuinui vinaka ki na nomu siga ni sucu
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What does Bulla mean in Fiji?

Bula is the most common word you’ll hear right across Fiji and it is used to greet people or say hello. When you say bula to someone, you are actually wishing them life.

What does Bula Vinaka mean in Fiji?

good life
The word “bula” is a common yet special way to greet someone in the Fijian dialect. It extends the former greeting by including the phrase “bula vinaka” which means “good life” in English and the words “na si” before that, to bring out respect. You can reply to this greeting by simply saying “bula” or “bula vinaka”.

What is family in Fijian?

Our Fijian word of the week is Vuvale, which means family.