
What factors determine the extent to which an infectious agent can cause infection?

What factors determine the extent to which an infectious agent can cause infection?

The number, route, mode of transmission, and stability of an infectious agent outside the host determines its infectivity.

What disease is the only disease completely eradicated in the world through vaccination?

The last recorded case of smallpox occurred in 1977 in Somalia. The disease was officially declared eradicated by the World Health Organization in 1980. From the invention of vaccine against smallpox by Edward Jenner in 1796, it took almost two centuries to eradicate the disease.

Is the Ebola vaccine a live virus?

Ebola vaccines are vaccines either approved or in development to prevent Ebola. The first vaccine to be approved in the United States was rVSV-ZEBOV in December 2019. It had been used extensively in the Kivu Ebola epidemic under a compassionate use protocol….Ebola vaccine.

Vaccine description
CAS Number 2581749-86-0

Why is it important to determine the cause of an infection?

Early and accurate diagnosis of infectious disease is critically important because: Diagnosis can improve the effectiveness of treatments and avoid long-term complications for the infected patient.

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Why is it important that we think of the categories of infectious agents?

Why is it important that we think of these categories of infectious agents? The answer is that these categories are important factors in deciding what kind of treatment to use. Members of each one of these groups – viruses, bacteria, and so on – have many biological characteristics in common.

What killed bacteria?

Some examples of disinfectants that can kill bacteria on surfaces include: products that contain alcohol, such as ethanol and isopropyl alcohol. household bleach.

How are infectious diseases caused?

Infectious diseases commonly spread through the direct transfer of bacteria, viruses or other germs from one person to another. This can happen when an individual with the bacterium or virus touches, kisses, or coughs or sneezes on someone who isn’t infected.