
What guns do the most damage?

What guns do the most damage?

Assault Rifles and LMG damage stats:

Weapon Base Damage DPS
M249 45 600
Groza 49 612.5
Beryl M762 47 547
AUG A3 43 502

What is the most destructive gun?

The General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) was brought in after World War Two to replace Vickers Heavy Machine Gun and Bren Light Machine Gun. It is currently being used by over 80 different countries worldwide, making it one of the most popular machine guns in the world.

Is Wingman the best gun?

The Wingman has been an extremely potent weapon since the start of Apex Legends. If you have great aim and practice your flickshots a lot, then the Wingman is one of the strongest secondary weapons out there.

Why shouldn’t we ban guns?

Banning guns will prevent these unnecessary defenses. 4.) Guns cause criminal migration. In tough gun-law Washington, D. C., violent crime rates are very high. This high crime rate is caused by the migration of criminals from gun havens like Virginia.

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Why is it bad to own a gun in America?

Guns owners are disrespectful of authority. Good citizens should completely rely on the authorities. A failure to do so is an invariable sign of improper and overly independent attitudes. Failure to completely and absolutely trust and depend on the authorities is excessive democracy and sends a bad message to children.

Should civilian owners of guns be allowed in self defense?

Demorat logic rears it’s head. 1.) Guns are used in self-defense over 2 million times a year. However, this makes the attempted crime a “non-event,” which necessarily complicates the Police investigation. Without civilian ownership of guns, these Police investigations would not have been compromised.

What is the issue of gun control?

The issue of gun control is mainly concerning personal firearms. As “Gun Control” states on page one, “most commonly the guns in question are personal firearms, typically handguns and long guns” (“Gun Control”, 1).