
What happened to Epiphone?

What happened to Epiphone?

Today, Epiphone is still used as a brand for the Gibson company, both for budget models of other Gibson-branded products and for several Epiphone-exclusive models.

What do the little knobs on the end of the guitar do?

These are the knobs on a guitar body, usually close to the pickups. Wiring configurations can vary (sometimes individual pickups will have separate controls, sometimes not, for example), but put simply, volume knobs control the level of signal coming from the pickups, and tone controls adjust how bright that signal is.

Are Epiphone guitars junk?

They’re very good for the money provided it’s a Standard or better. Anything less than a standard is junk. Both true^. Between 300 and 500 epiphone is probably your best bet and anything above that and you might as well just get a PRS from the SE line.

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How do guitar tone knobs work?

Tone knobs on electric guitars are potentiometers that decrease the high frequencies as you turn the knob down and increase the same frequencies as you turn the knob up. In other words, as you lower the number on your tone knob, the higher frequencies are removed from your guitar tone so your tone gets darker.

Why does my electric guitar sound acoustic?

An electric guitar may have an acoustic sound to it if the volume, gain, or tone are turned down close to zero. Put your amp settings so they’re all around the 50\% mark. Set the amp to have no effects, and a higher gain model. If it gets better, then it was an amp configuration.

What happens when you turn down the tone knob?

But as you twist it down you’re gradually sliding that threshold down towards the bass region of the frequency spectrum. Any higher frequencies will quickly ‘roll-off’ in volume so they are far less noticeable. So in a jazz band you may hear a real crisp guitar tone where they may have the tone knob at 8 to 10.

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Are your guitar knobs Ruining Your Sound?

Even with the perfect amp settings, the wrong position of the toggle switch and/or tone knobs can totally ruin your overall sound. In this article you’ll discover all the mysteries concerning the guitar knobs on an electric guitar so you know exactly what settings to use in order to play with your favorite blues sound.

How do you use the tone knob on a guitar?

Using the tone knob can be especially handy when controlling fuzz pedals. Fuzzes are often tricky to dial in from just the pedal or the amp. I find the setting the fuzz bright, then taming the highs with the tone controls a very effective method.

How does tone knob affect low pass filter?

Generally, as the tone knob value increases the less influence the capacitor has on the signal. The lower the number on the tone knob the lower the cut off frequency of the low pass filter is apparent. What is a low pass filter?