
What happens if someone accepts your request on Instagram?

What happens if someone accepts your request on Instagram?

If it is accepted then yes, you will receive a notification like “[user] accepted your follow request”. If it is not accepted then the only way to check is to see whether the follow/requested button on the users profile had turned back to say “follow” instead of “requested”.

Do you get a notification on Instagram When someone accepts your follow request?

No they don’t get any notification regarding that. So when a person send your request, the follow button turns into requested.

Why would someone follow me but not accept my follow request?

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She might have forgot to accept your follow request. She might be afraid of your comments on her posts. She might be hiding something from you which is on her profile. Can be many more such reasons, better ask her.

How do you know if someone declined your follow request?

Yes you can figure out if someone has rejected your request. When you push the button to follow someone, the button turns to “requested”, after while if you come back and see that the button turns again to “follow and blue” it means that He/she has unfortunately rejected your follow request.

How do you know if someone has unaccepted to follow you on Instagram?

Scroll down to “Connections,” and the top option will say “Current follow requests.” Click “View All,” and you’ll see all of your currently pending follow requests.

Does it notify someone if you accept their follow request?

There is no app that shows you who has accepted your follow requests.

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What does requested mean on Instagram?

‘Requested’ means you have asked someone if you can follow them, it requires the permission of the owner of the account. Upon approval only, will you then have access to follow & interact with their instagram feed.

How do I know if someone denied my Instagram Follow request?

Can I see who I’ve requested to follow on Instagram?

Tap on the hamburger menu icon in the top right corner and then tap on Settings. Next, go to Security. Under Data and History, tap on Access Data. Now tap on the View All link for Current follow requests under Connections.