
What happens if you lose your Metro token?

What happens if you lose your Metro token?

The token for the journey is dropped into the slot provided at the exit gate, while the other token is taken away.” The commuter pays Rs 10 out of the token cost of Rs 22. This leaves the Metro with a loss of Rs 12 per stolen token.

What will happen if I enter and exit from same Metro station?

Overstay Rule: A passenger holding a valid ticket can exit from paid area of same station within 20 minutes and from paid area of other stations within 120 minutes. For overstaying in paid area beyond these limits, penalty of Rs 50 per hour is charged subject to a maximum of Rs 100.

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Can I use someone else’s Metrocard?

Yes, but, only if the customer number is same.

Can 2 people travel with one Metro card in Kolkata?

Permitted maximum two. Permitted, maximum two. No refund allowed. No break journey is allowed in Metro Railway, Kolkata.

How do I get a metro card without business?

If you do not have a business but would like to possess a metro card, you can ask your friends or family members who might possess a business to enlist you as a secondary card holder. (Each customer gets 1 primary card and 4 secondary cards).

Are metro token available now?

Speaking to ANI, an official from DMRC said, “Smart card and token both are allowed for commuting in Delhi metro from tomorrow onward. However smart cards will be preferred keeping in view contactless communication.”

Can I get down after destination station in Metro Hyderabad?

Yes , you can anytime get down of any station before your destination, you have already paid the money to the destination so its your wish were you have to get down or even you dont want to board the train .

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How much does a MetroCard cost?

Pay-Per-Ride MetroCard is available in $5.50, $11.00, $22.00, $27.50, $41.75, and $67.50 denominations . Unlimited Ride MetroCard passes are also available. The 7-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard, the 30-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard, and the 7-Day Express Bus Plus MetroCard costs $33, $127, and $62, respectively.

What are the documents required for Metrocard?

How to become METRO Member?

  • Submit your copy of your business proof & photo id to a METRO representative / METRO nearest outlet.
  • Fill up your registration form and collect your temporary card number from nearest METRO outlet.

What is Metro primary card?

It is a modern format of wholesale trading, catering only to business customers. The METRO Card is given to all customers who meet our eligibility criteria. It certifies you as a registered METRO customer and gives you access to all the products at any METRO centre. Apply For METRO Card.