
What happens to photons in a mirror?

What happens to photons in a mirror?

Photons that strike the mirror head-on are reflected squarely back, and those hitting at an angle are reflected at the same angle in the other direction, forming a V-shaped path. This is the law of reflection. The nanowire layer is the key to the mirror’s function.

Do mirrors reflect electricity?

Mirrors reflect mainly because they are electrically conductive. Light is an electromagnetic field, and when it hits a mirror the metal inside of it (usually aluminum or silver) cancels out the electric field parallel to the mirror which causes it to change directions and reflect away.

Can electrons reflect photons?

Yes. Like CuriosuOne said, electrons are shiny.

Which scientist proposed that electromagnetic radiation is emitted in energy packets called quanta which were later called photons?

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Albert Einstein
photon, also called light quantum, minute energy packet of electromagnetic radiation. The concept originated (1905) in Albert Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect, in which he proposed the existence of discrete energy packets during the transmission of light.

How is light reflected from a mirror?

A reflection appears to be the same distance from the “other side” of the mirror as the viewer’s eyes are from the mirror. Also, when light is reflected from a mirror, it bounces off at the same angle in the opposite direction from which it hit.

Why do photons reflect from a mirror?

When photons — rays of light — coming from an object (your smiling face, for example) strike the smooth surface of a mirror, they bounce back at the same angle. Your eyes see these reflected photons as a mirror image. If a smooth surface absorbs the photons, they can’t bounce back and there will be no reflection.

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What element makes mirrors reflective?

In common mirrors, the reflective layer is usually some metal like silver, tin, nickel, or chromium, deposited by a wet process; or aluminum, deposited by sputtering or evaporation in vacuum. The reflective layer may also be made of one or more layers of transparent materials with suitable indices of refraction.

Is a reflected photon the same photon?

The photons of the light reflected from a metal (or a dielectric mirror) are identical to the incident ones, apart from the changed propagation direction. Which of the photons are lost is a matter of chance; there is a certain probability for each photon to be absorbed.

Who said energy quantized?

Albert Einstein used Planck’s concept of the quantization of energy to explain the photoelectric effect, the ejection of electrons from certain metals when exposed to light. Einstein postulated the existence of what today we call photons, particles of light with a particular energy, E = hν.

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What are energy packets?

A packet of energy is called a photon.