
What happens to the Kid at the end of Blood Meridian?

What happens to the Kid at the end of Blood Meridian?

He is merely a dumb kid, and as such is killed by a ‘murderous’ man, the former Kid. Think of our runaway abuses of stand your ground laws. This murder accomplished upon the person of Elrod is precisely what calls forth the Judge. The Kid is killed by the Judge in the jakes.

Why did the judge turn on the Kid?

Because he was under the illusion that he was different from the others and if he retained a sense of denial and disgust that would somehow absolve him morally in the long-term. But the Kid was wrong then and was wrong in the future when he meets the Judge at the saloon as the Judge is timeless.

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What did Judge Holden do?

Throughout the novel, Holden brutally murders dozens of people, including children. Searching for additional evidence for Holden’s existence has been a hobby for some Cormac McCarthy scholars. At one point in the novel, he is seen naked with a naked twelve-year-old girl in his room.

What does the judge represent in Blood Meridian?

Tldr; Mankind is more evil than the devil itself. The point of the judge is that he represents a undisclosed form of supernatural evil that is, at best, equal to man itself in terms of villainy.

What does the kid encounter in the wilderness Blood Meridian?

There the kid encounters Judge Holden, a monstrous being who recalls Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor, Melville’s Ahab, and Milton’s Satan, and who is a figure without parallel in American literature.

What are the Jakes in Blood Meridian?

In an outhouse, a “jake,” the Kid comes across the Judge, who is large and naked. The narrative tells us that Holden takes the Kid “in his arms against his immense and terrible flesh.” And that’s pretty much it.

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Is the judge human?

Yes, Judge Holden is based on a real person who did exist at previous point in history, but in the context of the novel his character is a concept personified. The concept that the Judge personifies is the human capacity for utter violence and destruction. This is why Holden is such a frightening character.

What did the judge do to the kid Castlevania?

It’s revealed that “the orchard” The Judge mentioned was in fact a spike-filled trap designed to mercilessly kill unsuspecting children. After killing them, The Judge keeps the children’s shoes as mementos in his home.

What was the kids name in Blood Meridian?

According to the kid’s new companion Ben Tobin, an “ex-priest”, the Glanton gang first met Judge Holden while fleeing for their lives from a much larger Apache group.

What is Cormac McCarthy’s darkest book?

Outer Dark

First Edition Random House
Author Cormac McCarthy
Published 1968
Pages 242 (paperback)
ISBN 9780679728733
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Who is the antagonist in Blood Meridian?

Judge Holden is the principal antagonist of Blood Meridian. One of the most frightening things about him is his physical appearance: he is bald, well over six-foot and hairless.

Who is Toadvine in Blood Meridian?

A branded fugitive, Toadvine first appears in Nacogdoches, Texas, where he almost murders the kid after a petty altercation, though they soon become compatriots and burn down a hotel together. The two find themselves in one another’s company again while imprisoned in Chihuahua City along with Grannyrat.