
What happens when an electron enters a magnetic field with its velocity pointing in the same direction?

What happens when an electron enters a magnetic field with its velocity pointing in the same direction?

Lorentz force, the force exerted on a charged particle q moving with velocity v through an electric field E and magnetic field B. The entire electromagnetic force F on the charged particle is called the Lorentz force (after the Dutch physicist Hendrik A. Lorentz) and is given by F = qE + qv × B.

Which direction is the magnetic field?

The direction of magnetic field lines is defined to be the direction in which the north end of a compass needle points. The magnetic field is traditionally called the B-field.

When a charged particle is projected through a magnetic field perpendicular to its direction then?

When a charged particle enters a magnetic field at a direction perpendicular to the direction of motion, the path of the motion is circular. In circular motion the direction of velocity changes at every point (the magnitude remains constant). Therefore, the tangential momentum will change at every point.

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How does magnetic field deflect electrons?

That rule describes how a charged particle (our electron) moving in a magnetic field will be deflected by that field at a right angle to both the field and to the direction of the particle. The electrons in the cathode rays would deflect toward the positively charged plates, and away from the negatively charged plates.

Why does magnetic field deflect electrons?

Because electrons are charged particles. So when electrons are in motion, they develop circular magnetic field around itself. Therefore this week magnetic field effected by the strong magnetic field. This is the reason electrons are deflected in magnetic field.

When an electron moves in a magnetic field in a direction perpendicular to the field then its path will be?

1). If the field is in a vacuum, the magnetic field is the dominant factor determining the motion. Since the magnetic force is perpendicular to the direction of travel, a charged particle follows a curved path in a magnetic field. The particle continues to follow this curved path until it forms a complete circle.