
What happens when you heating lead nitrate?

What happens when you heating lead nitrate?

When lead nitrate is heated it decomposes to form lead oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen.

What happens when lead nitrate heat and write the reaction?

On heating lead nitrate decomposition reaction takes place and lead nitrate get splits into lead oxide,nitrogen dioxide and oxygen gas. When lead(II) nitrate is heated, it decomposes into lead (II) oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen.

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What is Colour of lead nitrate after heating?

yellow colour
Lead oxide (PbO) also produced, is a solid of buff yellow colour. Thus, the colour of residue obtained after thermal decomposition of lead nitrate is yellow.

Is heating of lead nitrate endothermic?

Decomposition of lead nitrate is a endothermic reaction because heat is absorbed during the reaction .

What happens when lead nitrate is heated in a boiling tube write a balanced chemical equation?

Answer:Lead nitrate on heating decomposes to lead monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. 2Pb(NO3)2 = 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2.

When lead nitrate is heated it breaks down into lead monoxide nitrogen dioxide and oxygen the reaction is an example of?

decomposition reaction
A decomposition reaction can be defined as a type of chemical reaction in which under suitable conditions, one single compound splits into multiple simpler substances. Where lead(II) nitrate undergo decomposition reaction to give yellow colour lead (II) oxide, colourless gas of oxygen and brown colour nitrogen dioxide.

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When lead nitrate is heated it breaks down into lead monoxide nitrogen dioxide and oxygen this reaction is an example of?

A decomposition reaction can be defined as a type of chemical reaction in which under suitable conditions, one single compound splits into multiple simpler substances. Where lead(II) nitrate undergo decomposition reaction to give yellow colour lead (II) oxide, colourless gas of oxygen and brown colour nitrogen dioxide.

What happens when lead nitrate is heated in boiling tube?

Lead nitrate on heating decomposes to lead monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and oxygen.

When lead nitrate is heated it breaks down into lead monoxide nitrogen dioxide and oxygen 2 Pb NO3 2 → 2PbO 4NO2 O2 the reaction is an example of?

This reaction is an example of decomposition reaction. Pb(NO3​)2​ decomposes in PbO,NO2​ and O2​. The above mentioned reaction is a decomposition reaction as a substance i.e. lead nitrate breaks down to form other compounds like lead oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen.

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What happen when lead nitrate is heated in a boiling tube write a balanced chemical equation?