
What happens when you sweep things under the rug?

What happens when you sweep things under the rug?

One way of coping with conflict is to sweep things under the rug. As you likely know, this metaphor refers to ignoring problems rather than facing and managing them. It also happens that what gets swept under often starts to seep out or appears as a lump under the idiomatic carpet.

What does brush under the rug mean?

Meaning: If you brush something under the carpet, you are making an attempt to ignore it, or hide it from others.

What pull the rug means?

Remove all support and assistance from, usually suddenly. For example, Stopping his allowance pulled the rug out from under him, forcing him to look for a job. This metaphoric term alludes to pulling on a rug a person is standing on so that he or she falls. [ Mid-1900s]

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Can’t be swept under the rug?

to hide something damaging or unpleasant and try to keep it secret: This scandal can’t be swept under the rug.

What is under the rug?

Kept secret or hidden from view, usually due to one’s misfortune or embarrassment. The phrase is typically used with the verbs “sweep” and “brush,” likened to how dirt would be swept under a rug to hastily hide it.

What does never sweep a problem under the rug mean?

sweep (something) under the rug To ignore, deny, or conceal from public view or knowledge something that is embarrassing, unappealing, or damaging to one’s reputation. You need to stop sweeping your problems under the rug.

What does under the carpet mean?

: to hide (something that is illegal, embarrassing, or wrong) He tried to sweep his past mistakes under the carpet.

What is the meaning of going under?

intransitive verb. : to be overwhelmed, destroyed, or defeated : fail.

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Who is under the rug?

What is a sweep under the carpet?

sweep (something) under the carpet To ignore, deny, or conceal from public view or knowledge something that is embarrassing, unappealing, or damaging to one’s reputation. The senator has been accused of trying to sweep his former drug use under the carpet.

Whats another word for swept under the rug?

In this page you can discover 5 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sweep under the rug, like: conceal, put out of sight, hide, neglect and ignore.

What is another word for went under?

What is another word for went under?

lost suffered defeat
collapsed keeled
lost out relent
relented relinquished
went down abdicated