
What is a ambiguous word?

What is a ambiguous word?

In general terms, a word is ambiguous if its intended meaning is in some way unclear to the reader. The meaning of the word is imprecise or open to more than one interpretation.

What does gaudiness mean?

1 : ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented gaudy costumes. 2 : marked by extravagance or sometimes tasteless showiness : outlandish gaudy lies gaudy claims also : exceptional a gaudy batting average. gaudy.

What’s the word for saying something but meaning something else?

Irony is “the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.” Inside jokes told subtly, so that outsiders don’t even know they are told, creates irony.

What is the word for not being able to explain something?

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indefinable. adjective. impossible to describe or explain clearly.

What is unintentional ambiguity?

Unintentional ambiguity is a misunderstanding or language disorder that both sides of communication unconsciously or naturally show in the process of communication, which shows the contradictory characteristics of language structure itself.

What is an abstract word?

Abstract words are used to describe notions, concepts, and things that can’t readily be observed by your five senses. Abstract words include terms like ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ or ‘bravery’ and ‘cowardice. ‘ We need abstract words to describe certain ideas, but they can also be confusing.

What does Garishness mean?

1 : clothed in vivid colors a garish clown. 2a : excessively or disturbingly vivid garish colors garish imagery. b : offensively or distressingly bright : glaring. 3 : tastelessly showy : flashy garish neon signs.

What does the root Bel mean?

Definition & Meaning: Bel Root Word “Imperfection is beautiful”. The word root bel comes from old French Bele “Beautiful”.

What is the word for saying something but meaning the opposite?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Antiphrasis is the rhetorical device of saying the opposite of what is actually meant in such a way that it is obvious what the true intention is. Some authors treat and use antiphrasis just as irony, euphemism or litotes.

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What is a lack of understanding called?

A lack of interest, intelligence or understanding in a given topic or subject. blankness. bewilderment. confusion. incomprehension.

What is inert force?

having no inherent power of action, motion, or resistance (opposed to active): inert matter. Chemistry. having little or no ability to react, as nitrogen that occurs uncombined in the atmosphere.