
What is a corpus in biology?

What is a corpus in biology?

1 : the body of a human or animal especially when dead. 2a : the main part or body of a bodily structure or organ the corpus of the uterus.

What does body mean in biology?

A body (Latin: corpus) is the physical material of an organism. It is only used for organisms which are in one part or whole. There are organisms which change from single cells to whole organisms: for example, slime molds. For them the term ‘body’ would mean the multicellular stage.

What is corpus in medical term?

Corpus: The body of the uterus.

What does Corpus mean in law?

The corpus of a trust is the sum of money or property that is set aside to produce income for a named beneficiary. In the law of estates, the corpus of an estate is the amount of property left when an individual dies. Corpus juris means a body of law or a body of the law.

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What does the root word corpus mean?

It comes from the Latin corpus, meaning “body.” This root forms the basis of many words pertaining to the body or referring to a body in the sense of a group, such as corpse and corps. Corpus most commonly refers to a collection of texts of a particular author or within some category.

What is an original corpus?

A corpus, in linguistic terms, is merely a searchable body of texts used to determine meaning through language usage. A corpus, usually tens or hundreds of millions of words in size, can help with the small sample sizes that have usually plagued originalist research.

What is corpus in jurisprudence?

A mental element which comprises the assurance to practice that control. The physical element is known as the “corpus possession” and the mental element is called’ as the “enmity possidendi”. Savigny was of the view that both the elements, for example, corpus and hostility must be there to comprise possession.

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What does habeas corpus determine about an imprisonment?

A writ of habeas corpus is a judicial mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that person is imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he should be released from custody.

Why do people say weird flex?

Weird (or odd) flex but OK is a snarky, mocking internet slang response to when someone brags about something deemed unusual, bizarre, baffling, or questionable.

What is the meaning of Flix?

Definition of flix (Entry 1 of 2) archaic. : down, fur. flix. noun (2)

What does Corpus mean in legal terms?

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. [Latin, Body, aggregate, or mass.] Corpus might be used to mean a human body, or a body or group of laws. The term is used often in Civil Law to denote a substantial or positive fact, as opposed to one that is ambiguous.

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What doescorpus mean in biology?

Corpus is a general term used in biology to mostly denote the more prominent portion, or a portion that occupies maximum space, of a structure, mostly organs. In some places it might be used just to mean a body or a mass, irrespective of relative size of the structure.

What is the corpus of an estate?

In the law of estates, the corpus of an estate is the amount of property left when an individual dies. Corpus juris means a body of law or a body of the law.

What is the Corpus Juris Secundum?

Corpus. The corpus of a trust is the sum of money or property that is set aside to produce income for a named beneficiary. In the law of estates, the corpus of an estate is the amount of property left when an individual dies. Corpus juris means a body of law or a body of the law. Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S.®) is an all-inclusive,…