
What is a dual timeline novel?

What is a dual timeline novel?

The characteristic of Dual Timeline Stories is that they offer two (sometimes more) different but connected plots. Each of these stories has its own main characters and cast of characters, setting and most of the time they happen in different historical periods.

What is a multiple timeline structure?

Multiple (or dual/parallel) timeline stories are great because, by introducing two different timelines from the get-go, you spur the viewers’ curiosity. They start wondering how the two stories are connected and when they will eventually connect.

How do you write a synopsis with two timelines?

For example, if your book progresses on two timelines that converge at the end, you can synopsize what happens during the first timeline, then do the same for the second timeline, then use the last paragraph to explain what happens when the timelines converge.

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Can there be multiple settings in a book?

As many as it needs. Odds are a novel is going to have multiple locations in it, even if the story world is small. In the manuscript I just finished, for example, my protagonist visits three cities, and each city has scenes taking place in multiple locations.

How do you write a timeline for a novel?

Seven questions that will help create a timeline:

  1. How old are your characters when the story begins?
  2. Where are the characters in the story?
  3. Why does the story start?
  4. What are your main characters’ story goals?
  5. Who are their co-stars?
  6. How old are your characters when the story ends?
  7. Where will it end?

How do you write two parallel stories?

Tips for Writing Non-Converging Parallel Plotlines

  1. Create linkage between the plots. Something must bind the plots.
  2. Mirror the themes and metaphors. I did this in a few different ways.
  3. Make key plot points correspond.
  4. Use different but compatible goals for each storyline.
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How do you write a parallel story?

How do you create a timeline?

Tips for Creating a Timeline

  1. What does your timeline depict? Every timeline should have a title identifying the project or historic events it illustrates.
  2. Make the timeline. Decide what segment of time you want to illustrate.
  3. Determine the scale of the timeline.
  4. Missing time.
  5. Add events.
  6. Add visuals.