
What is a flat file and where are flat files used in the ETL process?

What is a flat file and where are flat files used in the ETL process?

Flat files are utilized by the ETL process for at least three reasons: Delivery of source data. When data is sourced by mainframes or external vendors, it is quite often FTP’d to the data-staging area in flat files. Data that comes from personal databases or spreadsheets is also usually delivered via flat files.

What are the advantages of using a flat file database?

Advantages of Flat file database

  • All records are stored in one place.
  • Easy to understand and configure using various standard office applications.
  • It is an excellent option for small databases.
  • It requires less hardware and software components.

What is the best CMS for a website?

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WordPress. WordPress is the most popular system because at least every web user has heard of it.

  • Joomla. Joomla comes second after WordPress as the best CMS for small business and has been in use since 2005.
  • Shopify.
  • Drupal.
  • Magento.
  • Prismic.
  • BigCommerce.
  • Bynder.
  • Squarespace.
  • Magnolia.
  • What is flat CMS?

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