
What is a good rank to get in Viteee Mech Engg in Vit?

What is a good rank to get in Viteee Mech Engg in Vit?

VITEEE Cutoff for VIT University, Vellore (2016-2015)

Course Name 2016 Closing Rank 2015 Closing Rank
Mechanical Engineering 19500 19000
Mechanical (Spec. in Automotive Engineering) 12300 20000
Mechanical (Spec. in Energy Engineering) 20000 25000
Production and Industrial Engg 50000 27500

How are hostels alloted in VIT Vellore?

The allotment is done based on the preference of your room type and availability. The rooms are allotted on a first-come, first-served basis, after payment of hostel fees.

What is the expected cutoff for VIT 2021?

Important Highlights For VITEEE Cut Off 2021

Marks obtained in VITEEE 2021 Opening Rank Closing Rank
118 + 1 250
113 — 117 251 500
90 — 113 501 2,500
81 — 90 2,501 5,000

How many hostels are there in the VIT Vellore campus?

VIT, Vellore campus has 24 Hostels. Out of which 18 blocks are boys’ hostels and the rest are girls’ hostels. The blocks, in total, cater to over 22,000 residents every year.

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Why hostels at VIT University?

A home away from home, the hostels at VIT is more than four walls and a roof. They have been designed to provide a comfortable, safe, inclusive and secure living even as they provide opportunities to form lasting friendships and ease the transition from home to college.

What are the food options available in the hostel?

Healthy, wholesome food and a variety of dining options are available to the hostel students. Given the great diversity of tastes and cultures, students have access to multi-cuisine catering services that serves vegetarian, non-vegetarian, Indian and International food.

How is the School of Mechanical Engineering at VIT University?

The School of Mechanical Engineering is amongst the premier schools of VIT started functioning right from 1984. The school has got a team of highly qualified faculty members, many holding PhDs from the elite institutes across the globe, to teach and train the best minds of this…