
What is a high PSS 4 score?

What is a high PSS 4 score?

Self-perceived stress was assessed using the 4-item perceived stress scale (PSS-4; score range 0-16, higher scores indicating greater stress). Averaged stress scores ≥ 6 (cut-off based on population norms) were classified as high levels of stress.

What is the PSS 4?

One of the most widely disseminated methods of assessing psychological stress is the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-4). Therefore, in order to identify these factors and their impact on mental health, the present study compares the PSS-4 results among three European countries (Great Britain, France and Spain).

Is the PSS scale valid?

Multigroup CFA further indicated that the two-factor structure of the PSS-10 was upheld across genders. Additionally, the PSS-10 had acceptable internal consistency, satisfactory convergent validity for stressful life events, and good concurrent validity in predicting anxiety and depression.

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How do you interpret PSS scores?

Individual scores on the PSS can range from 0 to 40 with higher scores indicating higher perceived • stress. ► Scores ranging from 0-13 would be considered low stress. ► Scores ranging from 14-26 would be considered moderate stress. ► Scores ranging from 27-40 would be considered high perceived stress.

Is the Perceived Stress Scale reliable?

Internal consistency reliability of the PSS-10 total and subscale scores was good in both language groups. Convergent validity was supported by expected relationships of PSS-10 scores to measures of anxiety and depression. These results support the use of the PSS-10 among Hispanic Americans.

Do I need permission to use the Perceived Stress Scale?

No permission is required to use this scale. It was intended to be an economical tool to be used for research purposes. The PSS is primarily used in research settings.

Can anyone use the Perceived Stress Scale?

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Profit related use of the Perceived Stress Scale requires the permission of both the American Sociological Association (ASA) and the author (S. The author (S. Cohen) will grant you permission to use the PSS in printed questionnaire form, for a one-time fee of (USD) $200.

What is a high PSS?

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is something made by the prostate gland. High PSA levels may be a sign of prostate cancer, a noncancerous condition such as prostatitis, or an enlarged prostate gland.

What is the average PSS score?

PSS-10 scores are obtained by reversing the scores on the four positive items: For example, 0=4, 1=3, 2=2, etc. and then summing across all 10 items. Items 4, 5, 7, and 8 are the positively stated items. Scores around 13 are considered average.

What PSS-10?

The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) is a 10-item questionnaire originally developed by Cohen et al. (1983) widely used to assess stress levels in young people and adults aged 12 and above.

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Can I use Perceived Stress Scale for free?

The author (S. Cohen) will grant you permission to use the PSS in printed questionnaire form, for a one-time fee of (USD) $200. 00. If you plan to use it online or in an app, the fee is $200 per year.