
What is a Npip certification?

What is a Npip certification?

The NPIP is a voluntary State–Federal cooperative testing and certification program for poultry breeding flocks, baby chicks, poults, hatching eggs, hatcheries, and dealers.

How long does it take to get Npip certified?

1-3 hours
The entire testing process takes 1-3 hours, depending on the number of birds and whether or not it’s an initial inspection or recertification.

What is Npip and Ai clean?

All NPIP participants are required to have flocks that are classified as U.S. Salmonella pullorum-typhoid (P-T) Clean. Only NPIP flocks that meet the standards for Avian Influenza (AI) Clean will receive 100\% indemnity in the event of an avian influenza outbreak.

Is Npip mandatory?

The NPIP is technically a voluntary program, however, if you want to sell, move or show your chickens legally, you must be NPIP clean. If you are a casual backyard chicken keeper with a confined flock as your own pets/egg producers, NPIP certification isn’t something you necessarily need to concern yourself with.

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How much does Npip cost?

Pricing on this service varies and is set by the individual. I found that a tester’s costs were anywhere from $100 to $300. Some testers have a charge for mileage and for each bird. Some charge a flat rate for a certain amount of distance then charge over and above that.

How do I join Npip?

How Do I Join the Program? Sign Signature Form and return to the CA Poultry Health Board • Mail the $50 Annual Fee and the $50 Flock Certification fee for a total of $100 with Signature Form. Both fees are paid in one payment and will cover required fees for the year.

How hard is it to get Npip certified?

Becoming an NPIP certified flock is not exceptionally difficult. The NPIP itself does not perform the certification, but instead, your state department of agriculture will. Contact your state’s official NPIP agency for state-specific instructions and forms.

How do I get my chicken certified?

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To become NPIP certified, and to remain certified, you must have a minimum of 30 birds, over the age of 16 weeks, tested for Pullorum Typhoid (PT) and Avian Influenza (AI) on an annual basis. These tests will be performed by the WSDA veterinarian during site inspections.

What is an Npip number?

A: NPIP stands for National Poultry Improvement Plan, and it’s a voluntary certification system that poultry breeders and hatcheries can participate in. (Our hatchery and all breeders associated with My Pet Chicken are NPIP certified.)

How do I get Npip?

To find a certified tester visit the NPIP website. There should be a list of testers for your state. You can contact them and find out what their procedure is. Click the NPIP Participants by State/Territory link, select US States, and then choose your state on the map for a list of testers in your state.

How do I become a certified Npip?

The NPIP itself does not perform the certification, but instead, your state department of agriculture will. Contact your state’s official NPIP agency for state-specific instructions and forms. Each state has its own method, process, fees, and paperwork for you to follow and will offer you guidance on how to proceed.

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How does the pullorum test work?

The antigen is made from pullorum-typhoid bacteria that have been chemically killed and suspended in a salt solution. When this antigen is mixed with the blood of a disease bird, the antibodies agglutinate. Simply put, this means that the pullorum-typhoid antibodies clump together with the antigen.