
What is a Pimcore application?

What is a Pimcore application?

Pimcore is a web-based application and uses the PHP programming language and the MySQL/MariaDB relational database management system. The core application is extensible through plugins, and by utilizing APIs. Pimcore includes an administrative back-end interface for system configuration and managing data.

Who uses Pimcore?

There are 117 companies like Ikea, Burger King, T-com and Interspar use Pimcore. The most important selling points they enjoy while using Pimcore are: Pimcore is a central place for all their business activities.

Who gave ecommerce framework?

E-commerce frameworks are the latest generation of e-commerce systems and started around 2012. Hybris, the shop system owned by SAP is one of the representatives of the 1. generation. It’s strongly connected to the SAP ERP system and Hybris is mainly a shop front-end for SAP.

What is an ecommerce framework?

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An ecommerce framework refers to the type of software you’re using to build your ecommerce store. For example, ecommerce software Magento uses an open source framework, while BigCommerce is SaaS. Both also enable a headless framework.

How do I upgrade my Pimcore?

Upgrading within Version X¶

  1. Carefully read our Upgrade Notes before any update.
  2. Check your version constraint for pimcore/pimcore in your composer. json and adapt it if necessary to match with the desired target version.
  3. Run COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update.
  4. Clear the data cache bin/console pimcore:cache:clear.

How do I install Pimcore on Windows?

1 Answer

  1. Open XAMPP Control Panel and click the “Shell” button.
  2. In the shell window, first connect to the database using the following command: mysql -h localhost -u root.
  3. Create a new database with the following command, I named mine “pimcore_sample”, also set it to use UTF8:

Why you need a PIM?

A solid PIM solution helps you to dramatically improve data quality and govern data access and usage. It enables portfolio expansion as your business grows. And, effective product information management provides the flexibility to respond to changing market conditions. Data quality is critical for eCommerce.