
What is a poke in Southern slang?

What is a poke in Southern slang?

(pōk) Chiefly Southern US. A sack; a bag. [Middle English, probably from Old North French; see pocket.] Word History: A pig in a poke is a colorful vernacular expression used to describe something offered in a manner that conceals its true nature or value.

What is poke in Appalachia?

paper bag
Some Appalachian English words are pronounced differently–fire comes out “far.” Other words have different meanings–“poke” means paper bag, “toboggan” means knit hat, and “cackleberry” means egg.

Is a poke a paper bag?

The noun poke meaning a bag or sack dates from the 14th century in English. In many parts of Scotland poke means a little paper bag for carrying purchases or a cone-shaped piece of paper for an ice-cream cone. And the word “poke” was very common when referring to a bag.

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What is a poke and chips?

Example: They were pure greetin’ after the results last night. Poke – To prod, or in Scotland referring to a cone-shaped container often used to serve fish and chips. Example: A poke o’ chips thanks miss. Away / awa – This is often used as a replacement for the verb ‘to go’ A woman with her ‘poke’ of chips.

What does the slang word poke mean?

a jab or prod. short for slowpoke. informal a blow with one’s fist; punch. slang sexual intercourse.

What does it mean when a girl pokes you on Facebook?

According to Urban Dictionary, a poke “allows users to say ‘hello’ to or show interest in a friend without having to go through the tedious process of crafting coherent sentences.” Basically, a Poke means someone is trying to get your attention, flood your notifications just for fun, or find an excuse to flirt.

Why is it called a poke?

Poke literally means “to cut crosswise into pieces” in Hawaiian language. Early Hawaiians fished when they were hungry, and the catch of the day made for the perfect sustenance because it was indigenous and fresh. “Ancient Hawaiians used the ocean as their icebox,” Wong says.

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What is the expression pig in a poke?

Definition of pig in a poke : something offered in such a way as to obscure its real nature or worth unwilling to buy a pig in a poke.