
What is a priority intelligence requirement?

What is a priority intelligence requirement?

PIR – Those intelligence requirements for which a commander has an anticipated and stated priority in his task of planning and decision making. Good Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) are always time phased, ask one question and are tied to a decision the commander must make.

What is the difference between PIR and FFIR?

CCIRs doctrinally contain two components: priority intelligence requirements (PIR), which are focused on the adversary and environment; and friendly force information requirements (FFIR) which are focused on friendly forces and supporting capabilities.

What is an sir intelligence?

Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs) are those that are most critical to be answered for the organization, PIRs are more detailed and operationally focused also aligned to IRs. Specific Intelligence Requirements (SIRs) are operational, tactical plus technical and focus on particular facts, entities, or activities.

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What are the categories of intelligence requirements?

Intelligence Process

  • Requirements. Identifying requirements means defining those questions to which intelligence is expected to make a contribution.
  • Collection. Once requirements and priorities have been established, the intelligence is collected.
  • Processing and Exploitation.
  • Analysis and Production.

What are the six steps of the intelligence process?

The intelligence cycle is one of active collaboration and consists of six steps: requirements, planning and direction, collection, processing and exploitation, analysis and production, and dissemination. The cycle is circular in nature and the movement between the steps is fluid.

Is EEFI part of CCIR?

Essential Elements of Friendly Information (EEFI) are not CCIRs, but they have the same priority as CCIRs and need the same approval of the commander. An EEFI represent an element of information that must be protected against enemy influence or intelligence collection.

What is an NAI army?

Field Manual (FM) 3-98, Reconnaissance and Security Operations, defines an NAI as “a geospatial area, systems node or link against which information that will satisfy a specific information requirement can be collected.

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What is a PIR USMC?

A PIR is an intelligence requirement associated with a decision that will critically affect the overall success of the unit’s mission. PIRs are always listed in priority order.

What is operational intelligence in military?

Operational intelligence (OPINTEL) is a form of data acquisition considered necessary to both intelligence community and military organizations for the successful planning, execution, and accomplishment of missions (tactical and/or strategic), and operations and campaigns within geotheaters and areas of operation— …

How do you collect intelligence?

Although HUMINT is an important collection discipline for the FBI, we also collect intelligence through other methods, including SIGINT, MASINT, and OSINT. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) refers to electronic transmissions that can be collected by ships, planes, ground sites, or satellites.