
What is a thermite grenade used for?

What is a thermite grenade used for?

Thermite grenades are a type of explosive incendiary ordnance used by the UNSC. The flames from the thermite grenade can burn underwater. Thermite grenades rely on a chemical process between metal powders and oxides to create high temperatures, with no explosion.

How much damage does a thermite grenade do?

Thermite Grenade The wall is 10 m long and is horizontal, perpendicular to the direction it was thrown from. Deals 4 damage per tick when standing in the flames, and applies an over-time burn effect that lasts for 25 damage.

Do grenades actually work?

Without body armour or protection, a single grenade can kill an individual up to 10 metres away and can cause serious injuries up to 20 metres away. Shrapnel can reach as far as 200+ metres distance from the detonation point. However, it becomes much less effective.

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Does thermite burn underwater?

Thermite, a mixture of rust and aluminum. YouTube/TheBackyardScientist This flowerpot full of red powder looks pretty innocuous. But when ignited with a strip of magnesium and a blowtorch, it yields a molten metal so hot it keeps burning underwater.

Do grenades do friendly fire apex?

So do you need to worry about grenades doing friendly fire damage or affecting teammates? The answer is: no. Grenades don’t damage teammates. You can whip frags, arc stars, and incendiary grenades to your heart’s content without worrying about accidentally downing your teammates.

Can rampage break doors?

Rampage. Normally, you can’t break a door by shooting it, but the Rampage LMG is a special case. When the Rampage is Revved Up (charged with a Thermite Grenade), it has the door-breaking power of the grenade within its shots. With a few bullets from a Revved Up Rampage, you can take a door clean out.

Are sparklers thermite?

The sticks of the sparklers are coated with a pyrotechnic composition known as ‘Thermite’, which is responsible to act as a fuel in the burning process. So yes, sparklers are thermite-positive. Thermite is basically a metal powder, which burns along with the oxidizer in the sparklers, to burn brightly.