
What is Allo Allo based on?

What is Allo Allo based on?

Croft and Lloyd devised the concept as a parody of BBC wartime drama Secret Army, and initially launched the programme with a pilot on 30 December 1982. The sitcom was eventually commissioned following the success of the pilot, and ran for nine series between 7 September 1984 until its conclusion on 14 December 1992.

Has Allo Allo been shown in Germany?

econd World War sitcom ‘Allo ‘Allo has been sold to the Germans. The hit show – which was set in Nazi-occupied France and poked fun at the Gestapo – will be broadcast to German audiences for the first time. But the comedy accents could end up lost in translation as the whole show will be dubbed into German.

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Is Allo Allo shown in France?

It was first shown on French TV in 1989, but one country that initially resisted the charms of ‘Allo ‘Allo! – perhaps unsurprisingly – was Germany. German television executives had shown some interest whilst the show was running in the UK, but were reluctant to broadcast it due to the subject matter.

Who wrote Allo Allo TV series?

Jeremy Lloyd
David CroftPaul AdamIan Davidson
‘Allo ‘Allo!/Writers

What is the theme music to Allo Allo?

London Calling
David Croft and Roy Moore composed the theme tune performed at the start and end of each episode. It features a French-style melody performed on an accordion with a small orchestral backing. The title is “London Calling”.

Where can I see Allo Allo?

Right now you can watch ‘Allo ‘Allo! on Amazon Prime.

Which countries showed Allo Allo?

Running to nine series, 85 episodes, and leading to stage show hits, too, ‘Allo ‘Allo was shown in many countries around the globe and has massive followings to this day in places such as Poland, Bulgaria and, yes, even Germany and France! “I had my book coming out, and they did a competition to win it,” Sue recalls.

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How many seasons does Allo Allo have?

This is a list of episodes for the British sitcom ‘ Allo ‘ Allo!. The series has 9 seasons. A listing of all episodes can be found below.

Who did Mandy play in Allo Allo?

Francesca Gonshaw (born c. 1960) is an English former actress who appeared in television, theatre and cinema productions in the 1980s. From 1982 to 1987, she appeared as Maria Recamier in the BBC’s ‘Allo ‘Allo! television situation comedy series set in occupied France during World War II.

How many actors played LeClerc in Allo Allo?

Ernest LeClerc

Monsieur Ernest LeClerc
Job/Position Forger
Nationality French
Affiliation {{{affiliation}}}
Portrayed by Derek Royle (Series 6) Robin Parkinson (Series 7-9)

What happened to Maria in Allo Allo?

Maria Recamier was one of the waitresses that worked at Café René alongside Yvette Carte-Blanche. She worked in the café for the first three series before accidentally posting herself to Switzerland in a Red Cross parcel….

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Maria Recamier
Portrayed by Francesca Gonshaw