
What is another way to say touch base?

What is another way to say touch base?

Touch-base synonyms In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for touch-base, like: have a friendly chat, connect, chat, have a little talk, talk tete-a-tete, get in touch, renew communication and visit.

What does touchbase mean?

Touch base is an idiom often seen in business contexts meaning to make contact or reconnect with someone briefly, such as in “let’s touch base next week.” The phrase is thought to have some relation to baseball where both runner and fielders have to “touch base” in order to be safe or record an out.

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Is touch base too informal?

“Touch base (with someone)” is an idiom. It is Informal.

Is touching base correct?

To touch base with you is the correct formulation of the phrase. To touch bases with you is incorrect. To touch basis with you in incorrect.

How do you say touch base with you?

10 alternative “touch base” email examples

  1. Propose a specific topic, date, and time.
  2. Share a relevant resource.
  3. Reference a piece of their content.
  4. Congratulate them after a trigger event.
  5. Bring up common challenges.
  6. Offer some actionable advice.
  7. Reiterate your value.
  8. Ask for information.

Can you touch base?

to talk to someone for a short time to find out how they are or what they think about something: I just wanted to quickly touch base with you: did you get an email from my secretary about the meeting?

What is the meaning of the phrase a long shot?

1 : a venture involving great risk but promising a great reward if successful also : a venture unlikely to succeed. 2 : an entry (as in a horse race) given little chance of winning. 3 : a bet in which the chances of winning are slight but the possible winnings great.

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Where does the phrase touch base come from?

This idiom comes from baseball, where a runner must touch each base without being tagged before a run can be scored.

Where did the phrase touch base come from?

How do you send a touch base email?

What do you mean by TE TE TE TE?

1 : a private conversation between two persons. 2 : a short piece of furniture (such as a sofa) intended to seat two persons especially facing each other. tête-à-tête.