
What is another word for lead by?

What is another word for lead by?

What is another word for lead?

guide conduct
shepherd accompany
bring direct
move take
help channel

What is another word for giving an example?

What is another word for to give an example?

for example case in point
namely to give an instance
viz. i.e.
specifically take for example
in other words like

Who said lead by example?

The phrase ‘lead by example’ was derived from the famous quote by Albert Schweitzer. His original quote was -“The three most important ways to lead people are: by example… by example… by example… ”

Is it led by or lead by?

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“led by” is always right in this case. “Led” is the past tense of “lead”. When you’re hit over the head, the instrument could be a “lead” (Plumbum) pipe. But when it’s a verb, “lead” is the present and “led” is the past tense.

What does it mean to give an example?

1 : something to be imitated : model Try to set a good example. 2 : a sample of something taken to show what the whole is like : instance. 3 : a problem to be solved to show how a rule works an example in arithmetic. 4 : something that is a warning to others Let his punishment be an example to you.

Who said the best example of leadership is leadership by example?

Albert Schweitzer
A leader is one who leads others on the right path with his vision, skills, and experience. The phrase ‘lead by example’ was derived from the famous quote by Albert Schweitzer.

What does live by example mean?

“Live by example” means a person’s actions, daily life, reflect his or her beliefs. “Example,” in this case, means: an example for imitation or emulation.

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What is correct LED or lead?

The correct past and past participle of lead is spelled led. If you aren’t sure whether to use led or lead as the verb in your sentence, try reading it aloud to yourself. If the verb is pronounced /LED/, use led.

What’s another word for good example?

What is another word for good example?

paragon exemplar
ideal model
nonpareil apotheosis
archetype epitome
jewel nonesuch

What is the short word for example?

E.g. is short for exempli gratia, which means “for example.” E.g. is used before an item or list of items that serve as examples for the previous statement.