
What is another word for military base?

What is another word for military base?

What is another word for military base?

garrison fortress
base camp
encampment fort
fortification stronghold
citadel station

What is a military camp called?

A military camp or bivouac is a semi-permanent military base, for the lodging of an army. Camps are erected when a military force travels away from a major installation or fort during training or operations, and often have the form of large campsites.

What is a military fort?

A fort is a place that’s made strong and secure enough to be defended during a war. Although it’s usually a military word, you can also make a fort with chairs and a blanket to defend against annoying little siblings. Today in the US, some forts are simply military bases.

What is the synonym of Fort?

noun. 1. fortress, castle, citadel, blockhouse, burg, keep, tower, donjon, turret. stronghold, redoubt, fortification, bastion.

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What is an antonym for Garrison?

Antonyms. left upgrade downgrade divest hostile. post station place.

Is a fort a base?

Why are most U.S Army bases called Forts while most Marine Corps bases are called Camps? – Quora. A “fort” is an authorized permanent installation, while originally a “camp” was considered a temporary one. That is why most Army installations established during WW 1 and WW 2 were designated “camps”.

Whats it like living on a military base?

Base living tends to be pretty safe, since bases are gated and guarded at all hours. Parents often feel safe letting their kids walk to the neighbors’ house or to the playground. Adults sit on their porches at night, and have barbecues on the weekends, and you don’t have to worry if you forget to lock your car.

What is known as fort?

1 : a strong or fortified place especially : a fortified place occupied only by troops and surrounded with such works as a ditch, rampart, and parapet : fortification. 2 : a permanent army post —often used in place names. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About fort.