
What is Apple thumper?

What is Apple thumper?

Apple Arcade released Thumper: Pocket Edition from game studio Drool on Friday. In the game, you play as a space beetle venturing through the void and duking it out with an evil giant head. Win boss battles over nine levels by matching the beat of the music. See at Apple Arcade.

How do you turn off Wi-Fi Calling on iPhone?

If you don’t want to use Wi-Fi Calling from one of your devices, you can remove it:

  1. On your iPhone, go to Settings > Phone > Calls on Other Devices.
  2. In the list of devices, turn off Wi-Fi Calling for the device that you want to remove.

Does Wi-Fi Calling need location?

For this reason, you’ll need to add an address to your device. This is used if you make an emergency call. The police (or otherwise) will be sent to this location if you call them via a Wi-Fi network. The device you’re using will ask for an emergency address when you enable calls over Wi-Fi.

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How do I turn off my location when calling?

You can control what location information your phone can use. Open your phone’s Settings app. Under “Personal,” tap Location access. At the top of the screen, turn Access to my location on or off.

How do you play Thumper Apple Arcade?


  1. TAP over the white rectangular thumps to thump.
  2. SWIPE LEFT/RIGHT to bank left/right and survive turns.
  3. TAP and HOLD to slide through red bars without damage.
  4. Execute looping patterns perfectly to fire the green energy weapon and defeat bosses.
  5. Boss patterns loop until you defeat them.

What is the downside of Wi-Fi calling?

While WiFi calling offers several benefits as outlined above, there are a few major downsides to consider before using this feature: Inadequate signal strength. Weak signal strength can result in poor voice call quality and dropped calls. Some devices don’t support WiFi calling.

Should I turn off location services on my iPhone?

Disable Location Sharing It also allows you to share your location with friends. We recommend you keep this activated; you never know when an iPhone will be swiped or go missing.

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Is Thumper any good?

Generally favorable reviews based on 15 Critic Reviews What’s this? Summary: Thumper is rhythm violence: classic rhythm-action, blistering speed, and brutal physicality….Awards & Rankings.

13 #13 Best Switch Game of 2017
60 #60 Most Discussed Switch Game of 2017
33 #33 Most Shared Switch Game of 2017