
What is Bond period in bank?

What is Bond period in bank?

The Bond period in SBI PO is three years. If a candidate resigns before completing the three years from the date of joining then he/she will be liable to pay the bond amount to the State bank of India.

What is the bond period in IBPS PO?

3 years
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Sr No. Name of the Bank Bond Period
1. Allahabad Bank 3 years
2. Andhra Bank 3 years
3. Bank of Baroda 3 years
4. Bank of India

What is the probation period in IBPS PO?

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2 years
IBPS PO probation period is of 2 years.

What is the probation period of SBI PO?

After joining, SBI PO is subject to a probation period of 2 years. In this period of time, they learn more about the functioning of the banks and duties related to their profile.

What is the probation period in SBI clerk?

6 months
What is the probation period for SBI Clerk? The probation period is of 6 months for the SBI Clerk recruitment.

What is probation period of IBPS clerk?

All the candidates selected for IBPS Clerk will be on a probation period of six months. After this period, you will be confirmed as a permanent employee only after an assessment through a test or review of your performance in the probation period.

How much is probation period for bank po?

A3 The probation period of Bank PO is 2 years.

What is probation period in bank Quora?

Answered 4 years ago · Author has 3.1K answers and 23.8M answer views. In the case of direct recruited officers the probation period is two years and this is common for all commercial banks in the country and this as per IBA guidelines.

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How long is the probation period for bank po?

A3 The probation period of Bank PO is 2 years.

What is the role of probationary officer in banking sector?

A Probationary Officer is the someone who is appointed for handling the overall banking management of a bank or company associated with the banking sector. Probationary Officer is responsible for various banking activities of different sections including finance, billing, accounting, investment, marketing, etc.

Is there a bond in SBI PO?

State Bank of India (SBI) advertises for the recruitment of Probationary Officer (PO) posts almost every year with a huge number of vacancies. Be assured, as of the 2018 recruitment process, no bond is there in SBI PO.