
What is clone in WordPress?

What is clone in WordPress?

WP Clone is a great way to backup, migrate or clone a WordPress site to another domain or hosting server. You can also use it to backup, migrate or clone your site to/from local server hosting, to create backup of your site for development or testing purposes, and to install pre-configured backups of WordPress.

Is WordPress duplicator plugin free?

1. Duplicator (FREE/$59-plus) Duplicator is a popular WordPress plugin that helps you to move and clone WordPress websites. Within the plugin, backups are referred to as packages, and, when you’re creating a new package, you can choose to exclude files and database tables from being backed up.

How do I use duplicate plugins in WordPress?

First you needs to download the whole plugin and study the core functionality,change the plugin name to a new one, change all the variables used inside it to new one. Make sure there is no functions conflicting each other. by doing all this you can duplicate it.

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How do I use Duplicator PRO plugin?


  1. Download Duplicator Pro Plugin zip file to your desktop.
  2. Login to your WordPress Administrator and click “Plugins”.
  3. Click the “Add New” button.
  4. Click the “Upload Plugin” button.
  5. Click the “Choose File” and select the Duplicator Pro zip file and click “Install Now”.
  6. Click Activate to activate it.

How do you duplicate in WordPress?

Here are the 5 easy to follow steps to clone WordPress site:

  1. Install Duplicator on your WordPress site.
  2. Export the Duplicator package.
  3. Upload the Duplicator package to your new (or existing) server.
  4. Create a new database for the new site.
  5. Run the Duplicator installer and finish cloning the website.

Does duplicator work with multisite?

The Duplicator Pro plugin is designed to help you duplicate and migrate WordPress sites, but it will also work with subsites of a multisite network.

What is duplicate post in WordPress?

1. Duplicate Post. One of the go-to options for WordPress page and post cloning is Duplicate Post. This plugin is easy to use, and clones everything from the content of the page or post to the associated comments. It also offers a prefix or suffix option, to differentiate your original post and the clone.

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What is Yoast duplicate post plugin?

The Yoast Duplicate Post plugin adds two simple links to your post overview: Clone and New Draft. Simply click the Clone button to make a copy of that specific post or page. Click the New Draft link to copy that post or page and open it in the editor right away.

What is Duplicator PRO plugin?

What is Duplicator Pro? Duplicator Pro successfully gives WordPress users the ability to migrate, copy, move or clone a site from one location to another and also serves as a simple backup utility. Standard WordPress migration and WordPress backups are easily handled by this plugin as are zero downtime migrations.

How do I restore my duplicator?

How to Restore a Duplicator Backup

  1. Log into your cPanel.
  2. Create a database, database user, and password.
  3. Upload both files to the document root of your website.
  4. In a browser, enter your website address then add /installer.php to the end of the address.
  5. You will see the Duplicator menu come up.