
What is difference between fair and fare?

What is difference between fair and fare?

Fair can be used as a noun, and adverb or an adjective. Fair as an adjective – means pleasing appearance, just and unbiased, light tone complexion. Fare as a noun – is money spent on travelling using public transport. Fare as a verb – To get along, to happen or to go, perform is a specific way, or to succeed.

How do you use fair and fare in the same sentence?

In this sentence, both “fair” and “fare” is used as a noun. I gave my fare for the drink to the fair waitress. In this sentence, “fare” is a noun, while “fair” is an adjective. He did not play a fair game and at the family-friendly fare.

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Is it fare better or fair better?

The first one is simple—if it’s an adjective, it’s “fair.” The adjective “fair” has a range of meanings, and you may need to use context clues to figure them out, but it’s always spelled “fair.” If the word is used as a verb, however, it’s always “fare.” We enjoyed excellent fare at the fair.

How do you use the word fare in a sentence?

English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word “Fare” in Example Sentences Page 1

  1. [S] [T] Tom paid the fare. (
  2. [S] [T] What’s the bus fare? (
  3. [S] [T] How much is the bus fare? (
  4. [S] [T] Tom asked how much the fare was. (
  5. [S] [T] Pay your fare here. (
  6. [S] [T] What’s the round-trip fare? (

What does local fare mean?

Local fare means a fare or rate charged by an auto transporta- tion company for the transportation of a passenger(s) between stations within a single company’s authority. Sample 1.

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Is it faired well or fared well?

To fare well means something like to “eat well” or to be okay and safe. The noun “farewell” as in to give a “farewell” to a person, means to say “goodbye” and to wish them something like a “safe journey”. “fair” is used as a term related to “justice” or to the ethical treatment or decent treatment of people.

How do you use fair and fare in a sentence?

I gave my fare for the drink to the fair waitress. In this sentence, “fare” is a noun, while “fair” is an adjective. He did not play a fair game and at the family-friendly fare. In this sentence, “fair” is used as an adverb, while “fare” is used as a noun.

What is a better word for fair?

just, equitable, fair-minded, open-minded, honest, upright, honourable, trustworthy. impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, non-partisan, non-discriminatory, anti-discrimination, objective, neutral, even-handed, dispassionate, disinterested, detached. above board, lawful, legal, legitimate, proper, good.

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Does fare thee well mean goodbye?

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language refers to “fare thee well, may it go well with you, good-bye”. It recalls our modern parting expression, “Take care”. “Fare thee well” was originally a verbal phrase, according to the English Language & Usage blog.

What do you mean by fare?

1a : the price charged to transport a person. b : a paying passenger on a public conveyance. 2a : range of food : diet. b : material provided for use, consumption, or enjoyment. Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About fare.