
What is difference between RMC and site mix concrete?

What is difference between RMC and site mix concrete?

Ready-mix concrete is normally recommended for large projects that require a high volume. On the other hand, site mixing is a better option for small projects and renovations, where the concrete volume is smaller.

What is a mix design in construction?

Concrete mix design involves a process of preparation in which a mix of ingredients creates the required strength and durability for the concrete structure. Because every ingredient in the mix consists of different properties, it’s not an easy task to create a great concrete mix.

Which is better concrete or cement?

Let’s start with the basics: concrete is significantly stronger than cement. Cement is a durable material in its own right, but it simply does not compare to concrete. Cement is made up of calcium and silica-rich materials, that means that on it’s own is prone to cracking.

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What is purpose of mix design?

The object of mix design is to decide the proportions of materials which will produce concrete of required properties. The mix proportions should be selected in such a way that the resulting concrete is of desired workability while fresh and it could be placed and compacted easily for the intended purpose.

How many types of mix design are there?

Designed Mix Ratio of Concrete

Concrete Grade Mix Ratio Compressive Strength
M7.5 1 : 4 : 8 7.5 MPa
M10 1 : 3 : 6 10 MPa
M15 1 : 2 : 4 15 MPa
M20 1 : 1.5 : 3 20 MPa

What is the disadvantage of RMC?

Disadvantages of Ready-Mix Concrete Requires huge initial investment. Not suitable for small projects (less quantity of concrete is required). Need an effective transportation system from the batching plant to the job site.