
What is enrollment password in SRM?

What is enrollment password in SRM?

SRM Online Admission Portal. Dear Applicant, Welcome to ONLINE ADMISSION PORTAL. Password is your date of birth in format DDMMYYYY.

How do I log into my SRM email ID?

SRMIST students can login with NetID credentials. ( Other SRM Group students can login using your Register number/StudentID(you may get it from your admission letter and receipt), with your date of birth [Format ddmmyyyy E.g. 03121990 for First time. And for subsequent logins you can use your set credentials.

How do I change my password on SRM academia?

To change your password, head to your Account Settings page and enter a new password in the Password box.

What is SRM portal?

SAP SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) is a SAP product that facilitates the procurement of goods via a web-based platform. You can reduce the time span and costing of procurement cycle using innovative methods to manage business processes with key suppliers.

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How can I join SRM university?

SRM IST MTech Admission 2021

  1. SRM IST MTech admission is based on a valid score in SRMJEEE (PG) conducted by the deemed University or is based on GATE/ TANATA scores.
  2. Also, candidates with relevant work experience are preferred.
  3. Final selection is offered based on valid scores in the entrance exam followed by an interview.

How do I reset my SRM email password?

Forgot Password?

  1. Please enter the email address that you used to make the orginal account on the portal.
  2. We will send you a reset link on this email addresses.
  3. Use the link to enter a new password for your account.
  4. Use the new password to log back into the portal.

What is Net ID?

A Network ID (or NetID) is a personal, unique identifier assigned to you. It consists of your initials followed by one or more numbers. You use it, along with a password, to obtain access to online services, such as email and administrative systems.

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How can I get scholarship in SRM University?

Students with 89-91.9\% in XII examination are eligible for 50\% scholarship in tuition fees….The state topper of each board is eligible for 100 \% Scholarship in tuition fee.

\% of Scholarship JEE Main percentile SAT Score
25 \% of First Year Tuition Fee 85-89.99 1300-1399
10 \% of First Year Tuition Fee 75-84.99 1200-1299

Can I join SRM kattankulathur?

Aspirants who want to pursue their higher education in SRM University are advised to directly approach the Directorate of Admissions at Kattankulathur (Near Chennai), Tamil Nadu or visit, for all relevant information.